The Limited Times

Who is the US president with the worst approval in the last 30 years?

7/19/2022, 7:46:34 PM

Presidential approval is an indicator of how people perceive the work of presidents. What does this measurement tell us in the US?

Biden discharge, at its lowest point 2:03

(CNN Spanish) --

Presidential approval always opens the conversation in democracies like the United States, as it is an indicator of how people perceive the work of the country's leaders.

Currently, what we can see is the approval of President Joe Biden.

According to the most recent measurement (covering June) from Gallup's Center for Presidential Job Approval, 41% of people in the US approve of Biden's job.

President Biden's approval has remained in a similar vein since September 2021, when 43% of Americans approved of his work, according to Gallup.

Since then and to date, this item has varied between 43% and 40%.

In fact, the lowest point in Biden's presidency is 40% approval, which he achieved in January 2022 (the month in which he completed a year in office).

If we see the average in what he has been in government, Biden's approval has been 47%.


  • CNN Poll: Most Americans are unhappy with Biden, the economy and the state of the country

With this as a point of comparison, how have US presidents fared in this area in the last 30 years?

Here we tell you.

The lowest approval for a US president in the last three decades

In the last 30 years, the United States has had five people in office as president: Joe Biden, Donald Trump, Barack Obama, George W. Bush and Bill Clinton.

Of that list of five presidents, Gallup indicates, the one with the worst approval rating is Bush:

  • In October 2008 (that is, almost at the end of his second term), that president registered the lowest point of his entire presidency: barely 25% of Americans approved of his work.

  • It should be noted that that year the economy entered one of its worst crises worldwide, which was a factor for few people to approve of Bush.

  • Overall, George W. Bush's average approval rating over his two terms was 49%.

What presidents follow him?

If we take the lowest point of the five presidents mentioned, the list would be as follows (from worst to least worst):

  • George W. Bush (25% approval rating, October 2008)

  • Donald Trump (34%, January 2021)

  • Bill Clinton (37%, June 1993)

  • Barack Obama (40%, at various points in 2013 and 2014)

  • Joe Biden (40%, January 2022)

  • But, if we take as a reference the average of the entire presidency, the list would look like this (from worst to least worst):

    • Donald Trump (41%)

    • Joe Biden (47%)

    • Barack Obama (48%)

    • George W. Bush (49%)

    • Bill Clinton (55%)

    ApprovalPresidents of the United States