The Limited Times

VIDEO. "At the back of the dumpster, it's 6O ° C": with the garbage collectors during the peak of the heat wave in Paris

7/20/2022, 3:34:54 PM

At a time when the thermometer reached 40°C in the capital, we followed two young garbage collectors who were collecting garbage from the 2nd arron

They jump from the dump truck, pull out the garbage bins, change the bags from the street baskets: for three hours, the mechanics are broken in.

Konstantin and Djey, two young garbage collectors in the 2nd arrondissement, collect the capital's garbage under a blazing sun.

That day, they criss-cross the 2nd arrondissement.

At 5:30 p.m., the time when their tour begins, the capital, placed on heatwave orange vigilance, experiences its heat peak: 40°C.

“It's difficult, but we do the job.

We are here for that !

“says Djey.

With the heat, come the smells of the garbage cans: “We are used to it, but it is still stronger at the moment”.

Read alsoVIDEO.

After the Music Festival, the “Garbage Festival” for the garbage collectors of Paris

Faced with these exceptional conditions, arrangements have been put in place: extended breaks of 10 minutes, the supply of water bottles and isothermal bags.

“We pay attention to our teams,” says Yvonne Dudragne, team leader.

“The most important thing is their safety.

We need to keep our agents in shape!


Check out our video report above.