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Arena - Maccabi Tel Aviv 0: 0 (Half 1) - Walla! sport

7/21/2022, 4:05:44 PM

The Yellows open a season in Europe: the tie at 11 at the expense of Dan Bitton, who will wait on the bench against the Azeris in the Copernicus League qualifiers. Seborit opened as a brake (19:00, Sport 4)

Arena - Maccabi Tel Aviv 0: 0 (Half 1)

The Yellows open a season in Europe and are determined to avoid a surprise in the Conference League qualifiers.

Juvanovic opened at the edge with Kubas, Gyagon and Kanikovsky next to him.

In the shadow of the injuries, Seborit and Wayne were assembled in the center of defense




Thursday, July 21, 2022, 7 p.m.

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Tonight (Thursday, 19:00, Sport4), Maccabi Tel Aviv opens its European season in an away game in Azerbaijan against an arena as part of the Conference League qualifiers.

The Yellows arrive at the game with quite a few expectations after the return of coach Vladan Ivic and a number of other impressive signings, including the return of Eran Zehavi (who is still unfit and has not joined the trip).

The winner of the double encounter will play in the next round against Aris Thessaloniki (Greece) or Gomel (Belarus).

Beyond Zahavi, Nir Bitton, Dan Glazer, Shachar Phiben and Idan Nachmias the sick remained in Israel, but even without them, the team hopes to end with a good result that will give a return to reciprocity in eight days in Bloomfield.

Gabi Kanikovsky, who came on as a substitute last Thursday, took Dan Bitton's place in the squad when Brandley Kubas, Parfa Gagun and Georgia Juvanovic started the attack again.

The vehicles


Mehdi Janatov, Sartan Tashkin, Nemanja Andjelkovic, Dimitrios Hantkias, Hajiaja Hajili, Joshgon Diniev, Ilkin Muradov, Rahim Sadikov, Gismat Aliyev, Hamido Keita, Rustem Ahmadzadeh.

Maccabi Tel Aviv:

Daniel Peretz, Andre Geralds, Sharan Yeni, Enrique Sborit, Ofir Davidzada, Yuris van Aubrey, Eyal Golsa, Parfa Gagun, Gabi Kanikovsky, Brandley Kobas, Georgia Juvanovic.

Continued in Ivica's squad.

Gyagon (Photo: Bernie Ardov)

  • sport

  • Israeli soccer

  • Super League


  • Maccabi Tel Aviv in football

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