The Limited Times

FI: Gelmini, for Berlusconi affection and esteem, but also disappointment

7/21/2022, 1:35:23 PM

"I have not spoken to him, but I have respect and affection for him". Thus Maria Stella Gelmini, Minister for Regional Affairs speaking about Silvio Berlusconi, in connection with Skytg24. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - ROME, JULY 21 - "I have not spoken to him, but I have esteem and affection for him".

Thus Maria Stella Gelmini, minister for regional affairs speaking of Silvio Berlusconi, in connection with Skytg24.

And she added: "Of course I am very disappointed that it did not prevent Forza Italia from making such serious mistakes".

   She then reiterated: "For me there remains the esteem and gratitude but also sorrow and disappointment for how things went".
