The Limited Times

He leaves his 18-month-old daughter at home for six days, finds her dead

7/21/2022, 2:54:08 PM

She left her one and a half year old daughter alone at home in Milan for six days and when she returned yesterday morning, she found her dead. The 37-year-old woman was arrested on charges of voluntary homicide aggravated by futile motives and premeditation. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - MILAN, JULY 21 - She left her one and a half year old girl alone at home in Milan for six days and when she returned yesterday morning, she found her dead.

    The 37-year-old woman was arrested on charges of voluntary homicide aggravated by futile motives and premeditation.

Lapiccola was in a camping cot and next to her was the bottle but also a bottle of benzodiazepines half full.


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