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Hydrangeas: Cut wilted flowers or leave them on?

7/21/2022, 1:29:10 PM

Hydrangeas: Cut wilted flowers or leave them on? Created: 07/21/2022, 15:16 By: Andrea Stettner Withered hydrangeas quickly turn brown and then present a sad sight. We show how and when to properly remove the withered flower umbels. Hydrangeas (Hydrangea) are currently experiencing a real revival. No wonder - their large umbels of flowers in pink, blue or white transform even the smallest gard

Hydrangeas: Cut wilted flowers or leave them on?

Created: 07/21/2022, 15:16

By: Andrea Stettner

Withered hydrangeas quickly turn brown and then present a sad sight.

We show how and when to properly remove the withered flower umbels.

Hydrangeas (Hydrangea) are currently experiencing a real revival.

No wonder - their large umbels of flowers in pink, blue or white transform even the smallest garden or balcony into a wonderful blooming paradise.

Depending on the variety, the flowering period extends from June to September.

Once the Hydrogena have withered, they quickly turn brown and then present a sad sight.

You can then safely remove the umbels of flowers.

This even has a decisive advantage.

Hydrangeas bloom magnificently in summer.

If you want to enjoy them for a long time, you should cut them after flowering.

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Cut faded hydrangeas: how and when is it done?

If the Hydrogena has already faded in summer, you should cut off the withered umbels according to


This is how new, magnificent flowers form quickly.

Use a pair of sharp, clean rose scissors to do this.

Set the scissors directly below the umbel, but still above the first leaf base.

However, it is gentler to simply break out the faded hydrangea umbels by hand, as is also recommended for geraniums.

To do this, grab the branch below the flower with your thumb and forefinger and break the shoot off to the side with your fingernail.

By the way, you can dry hydrangea blossoms wonderfully.

Then the wonderful flower will stay with you for a long time.

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Do not cut hydrangea flowers of certain varieties in autumn

In autumn you should leave the withered blossoms on biennial hydrangea varieties (e.g. farmer's hydrangea, plate hydrangea) and only cut them again next spring.

This has the advantage that the dried flowers protect the inflorescences that have already been created from the frosty temperatures of winter for the next year.

Annual varieties such as the panicle hydrangea or snowball hydrangea should be cut back in autumn.

Here we explain in detail how to cut back the hydrangeas correctly, depending on the variety.

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