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Italian president dissolves parliament

7/21/2022, 7:41:29 PM

Rome, SANA- Italian President Sergio Mattarella issued today a decree to dissolve parliament after the resignation of the prime minister's government


Italian President Sergio Mattarella today issued a decree to dissolve parliament after the resignation of the government of Prime Minister Mario Draghi earlier in the day.

The Italian Aki news agency reported that a memorandum issued by the Presidency of the Republic indicated that Mattarella had signed the decree dissolving Parliament after hearing the presidents of the Chambers of Representatives and Senate.

“I signed the decree dissolving the two chambers to call for elections within the 70-day period specified by the constitution,” Mattarella said, adding: “The discussion and voting in the Senate made it clear that there is no parliamentary support for the government and the absence of prospects for forming a new majority and this condition made the early dissolution of the two chambers inevitable.” .

Mattarella pointed out that "the caretaker government is facing restrictions in its activities, but it has the necessary tools to work in these months before the arrival of the new executive authority after the early elections expected in the second half of next September."

He added that "there is no time to rest, energy costs have consequences, economic difficulties must be addressed, and there are many obligations that must be completed in the interest of the country."

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