The Limited Times

Just before the entrance: "Big Brother" contestant is positive for Corona - Walla! Celebs

7/21/2022, 12:47:11 PM

Just before new tenants enter the most photographed house in the country, it turns out that one of them is positive for Corona and will remain in isolation. Walla! First Advertising Celebs

Just before entry: "Big Brother" contestant is positive for Corona

Just before new tenants enter the most photographed house in the country, it turns out that one of them is positive for Corona and will remain in isolation.


First Advertising Celebs

Maor Ben Harush


Thursday, 21 July 2022, 15:09 Updated: 15:36

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Big Brother (Photo: Screenshot, Network 13)

The most filmed house in the State of Israel continues to deliver stories at a dizzying pace, and we are not even talking about Diane's screams.

In fact, we are talking about a tenant who did not even enter the "Big Brother" house.


Celebs learned that an undercover detective, who was supposed to enter tonight (Thursday) as a contestant in the program, was found positive for the corona virus, after conducting a test while staying at the hotel as part of the pre-entry isolation process.

This will not allow him to reunite with the other tenants for the time being, but perhaps it is actually for the better.

The tenant is feeling well and is in isolation.

The network declined to comment for this article.


Celebs have not yet fallen ill in Corona, so if anyone has a direction she will be happy.

A little freedom will not hurt her.

  • Celebs

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  • Big Brother

  • Corona