The Limited Times

Periods: five expert tips to reduce discomfort in hot weather

7/21/2022, 3:00:03 PM

High summer temperatures can increase some period symptoms. A gynecologist and a naturopath share advice to apply to better experience menstruation.

In winter, to relieve the discomfort of menstruation and certain painful or unpleasant symptoms, we draw the hot water bottle, we hibernate under the duvet or we treat ourselves with a lot of hot drinks.

But in summer, it is difficult to bring out this same toolbox.

However, if “the summer season does not accentuate the pain, the environment can modify or exaggerate certain symptoms, underlines Hélène Jacquemin Le Vern, medical gynecologist (1).

Going on vacation, the stress that comes with it, can also make the cycle irregular due to new habits and changes.”

Some reflexes provide relief and help get through the period.

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In video, "Bon Sang", a series on the rules

Drink more water

First instinct?

Drink even more water than usual.

"Regularly hydrated can relieve headaches" related to menstruation and heat, informs Hélène Jacquemin Le Vern.

By providing minerals, we also improve the functioning of the muscles, “we can thus reduce abdominal cramps, comments Marjorie Malgras, naturopath.

Drinking well will also lightly relax the body and help eliminate water retention.

Hydrating regularly can relieve headaches

Hélène Jacquemin Le Vern, gynecologist

To do this, we opt for the classic form with mineral water, or the flavored one, with iced herbal teas, for example, which can be a good way to relieve pain.

Marjorie Malgras recommends that of raspberry, with anti-inflammatory properties.

We drink a few cups a day before the onset of menstruation and during the first days of it.

Yarrow herbal tea can also help fight pain, "at the rate of three cups a day, from the 10th to the 24th day of the cycle", adds the naturopath.

Adapt your diet

When you suffer from discomfort during your period in summer, the content of the plate is important.

In practice, it is better to ban foods that are too sweet, salty or processed, which will slow down the functioning of the body.

We favor a healthy diet rich in protein.

“These will make it possible to limit sweet and savory cravings while driving water out of the tissues if there is water retention.

In addition, proteins allow better transmission of neurotransmitters responsible for well-being and sleep,” explains Marjorie Malgras.

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To reduce pain and improve mood, the naturopath also advises turning to "foods rich in omega 3, such as sardines, mackerel and walnut oil", those rich in B vitamins (dark green vegetables and whole grains), those rich in magnesium (hazelnuts, almonds, dark chocolate) and potassium (bananas or avocados).

Change regularly

Unsurprisingly, to improve comfort during menstruation, you should change your protection regularly, whether it's tampons, sanitary napkins or cups.

And the principle applies even more in case of high temperatures.

"It's important to have good hygiene and thus avoid bad odors, for example," comments gynecologist Hélène Jacquemin Le Vern.

You can also opt for a different protection from that worn in winter.

During hot weather and the sweating that accompanies it, it can be more unpleasant to feel the blood flowing on your sanitary napkin.

We can then try the cup (or menstrual cup), or organic tampons.

At the beach or pool, the menstrual swimsuit option

No need to force yourself to wear a tampon to be able to bathe.

In parallel with menstrual panties, several brands such as Blooming, Elia, or even Moodz, now offer menstrual swimsuits.

They are similar to a classic jersey but the bottom is made up of several layers of absorbent fabrics.

The blood is absorbed odorless, moisture-free and without the “diaper effect”.

Swimsuits keep for several hours in the same way as panties.

To massage

"In vegetable oil, add a few drops of essential oil of Roman chamomile, exotic basil or peppermint, which are antispasmodic and bring freshness," says the naturopath.

Another solution to consider may be CBD.

"In local application with an oil to be applied to the stomach by massaging, or even in internal use, by putting ten drops of CBD oil under the tongue", she adds.


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To move

"Sport will decongest the small pelvis a little and reduce mild muscle cramps," explains Marjorie Malgras.

The only conditions?

Choose a gentle activity (Yoga, Pilates, stretching, walking, length in the pool, etc.) to avoid getting too tired and practice rather in the morning or in the evening, when the temperatures drop.

(1) Hélène Jacquemin Le Vern is also the author of

Le sang des femmes, putting an end to taboos,

128 pages, Edition In Press, €9.50.

(2) Marjorie Malgras specializes in female naturopathy and is also the author of

Rules are Sacred!

And without taboos

, 160 pages, La Plage Publisher, €19.95.