The Limited Times

Stiftung Warentest tests children's toothpaste: Poor grade

7/21/2022, 2:06:32 PM

Stiftung Warentest tests children's toothpaste: Poor grade Created: 07/21/2022, 16:00 By: Natalie Hull Drawbar Caries as a dental disease is widespread in young children. (Iconic image) © Thomas Trutschel/ When it comes to the little ones, parents pay particular attention to quality. Straight teeth need good care. However, children's toothpastes do not perform well in the tes

Stiftung Warentest tests children's toothpaste: Poor grade

Created: 07/21/2022, 16:00

By: Natalie Hull Drawbar

Caries as a dental disease is widespread in young children.

(Iconic image) © Thomas Trutschel/

When it comes to the little ones, parents pay particular attention to quality.

Straight teeth need good care.

However, children's toothpastes do not perform well in the test.

Berlin – fluoride is important for the teeth and belongs in the toothpaste – right?

Opinions on this have differed for years.

Much to the dismay of consumers, especially parents.

Many dentists say that fluoride is important for children's teeth.

Contrary to all claims, fluoride is a substance that has been very well studied in clinical studies and has been shown to strengthen tooth enamel and help reduce tooth decay in the long term, as explained by Norddeutscher Rundfunk. knows which children's toothpaste was rated "very good", "good" and "poor" by Stiftung Warentest.

Nevertheless, there are manufacturers of children's toothpastes that contain too little or no fluoride.

This is the 2022 test result from Stiftung Warentest.

21 toothpastes were tested, only three can be recommended to consumers and parents without hesitation.

This article only contains general information on the respective health topic and is therefore not intended for self-diagnosis, treatment or medication.

In no way does it replace a visit to the doctor.

Unfortunately, our editors are not allowed to answer individual questions about clinical pictures.

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