The Limited Times

Store purchases correctly when it is hot: do not refrigerate these foods

7/21/2022, 6:59:49 PM

Store purchases correctly when it is hot: do not refrigerate these foods Created: 07/21/2022, 20:45 By: Dominik Jahn Food has big problems with heat. They quickly become bad or mouldy. A list saves the taste of east and vegetables. Even when shopping, customers have to pay attention to a few things in the supermarket, given the currently extremely high temperatures. As reports, it is

Store purchases correctly when it is hot: do not refrigerate these foods

Created: 07/21/2022, 20:45

By: Dominik Jahn

Food has big problems with heat.

They quickly become bad or mouldy.

A list saves the taste of east and vegetables.

Even when shopping, customers have to pay attention to a few things in the supermarket, given the currently extremely high temperatures.


reports, it is better to transport food when it is hot, otherwise there is a risk of germs.

Avoiding certain products is also an issue when the temperature is over 30 degrees.

And what is the right way to store food in the heat at home?

In any case, some should never be refrigerated.

The heat warning for Baden-Württemberg will probably be repeated again and again in the coming weeks.

So it's worth taking a look at the shopping.

Numerous foods go bad faster at extremely high temperatures and start mold more easily.

But the fridge doesn't always help.

These vegetables should never be stored in the refrigerator

As the

reportage magazine Geo

writes, you should never cool vegetables with a high water content after you have bought them.

The fridge is a danger zone for tomatoes, zucchini, but also potatoes.


consumer center

also speaks of a loss of aroma for tomatoes.

In addition, they should mold more quickly.

It is better to store these types of vegetables in a dry, dark and airy place.

Tomatoes prefer temperatures between 12 degrees and 16 degrees.

Potatoes feel most comfortable between four degrees and eight degrees in the dark.


portal Chip

has created an overview list under its consumer advice.

Do not store these foods in the refrigerator: the list at a glance

  • Tomatoes

    Tomatoes quickly become too watery in the refrigerator due to the low temperatures.

    A dry place with about 15 degrees is better.

  • Potatoes

    Potatoes should not be stored in the refrigerator either.

    To quickly get a sweet taste and become wrinkled.

    It is better to keep them dry and airy.

  • Onions

    Anyone who stores onions in a cool place is wrong.

    They belong in a cool place, like the basement.

  • Bananas The

    cold quickly causes brown spots on bananas.

    Room temperature is best for them.

  • Lemons

    They originate from warmer regions.

    They should therefore be spared the trip to the fridge.

    They mature worse.

    Storage in a dry place, for example in the basement, is better.

  • Avocados

    If you want to enjoy your avocado, you should spare it the cold shock.

    They should be soft and ripe.

    However, the ripening process is interrupted in the refrigerator.

    Room temperature is also best for storing avocados.

Despite the heat: Berries, apples and peaches should not be kept in the fridge either

Vital magazine


mentions apples, berries, peaches, nectarines, plums and apricots.

They should never end up in the fridge.

They all lose flavor at too low temperatures.

However, there is one exception for berries: If you want to keep berries fresh for a longer period of time, you can freeze them.

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You can also start cooling peaches, nectarines, plums and apricots under certain conditions.

It says: As soon as these fruits are ripe, they can be stored in the fridge in the fruit drawer.

But then they lose their taste again.

Misconception about bread: This is what happens in the fridge with it

Bread is often stored in the fridge, especially when it is hot.

However , the


center advises against it.

This means that bread quickly dries out and loses its taste.

It would be better to store the product at room temperature - in a paper bag or bread box.

And even with coffee, the belief persists that it keeps better in the fridge.

The experts see it differently.

The consumer center writes: “It should never be stored in a cool place, because it also absorbs the taste of other foods and loses its own taste.

The freshness and flavor of coffee is preserved only in a dark, cool room."

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