The Limited Times

They open a criminal investigation for the destruction of Secret Service messages linked to the assault on the Capitol

7/21/2022, 6:53:23 PM

The results of the Department of Homeland Security's investigation may be forwarded to federal prosecutors and have legal consequences.

By Pete Williams and Julia Ainsley —

NBC News

The Department of Homeland Security's inspector general has opened a criminal investigation into circumstances surrounding the destruction of Secret Service cell phone messages that may be relevant to investigations into the Jan. NBC News two sources familiar with this matter.  

The outcome of the investigation could be forwarded to federal prosecutors, those sources said, depending on the results.

The inspector general informed the Secret Service late Wednesday that the investigation is now criminal in nature and that it must stop all internal inquiries into the deletion of the text messages, according to a letter seen by NBC News. 

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“To ensure the integrity of our investigation, the Secret Service should not be involved in any other investigation related to the collection and preservation of evidence,” DHS Assistant Inspector General Gladys Ayala wrote in a letter to the director of the Secret Service. Secret, James Murray.

"This includes immediately refraining from interviewing potential witnesses, collecting devices, or taking any other action that could interfere with an ongoing criminal investigation," it added.

The Secret Service said in a statement that it has received the letter: "We have informed the January 6 Select Committee of the inspector general's request and will conduct a thorough legal review to ensure we fully cooperate with all oversight and enforcement efforts." that they do not conflict”.

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However, a Secret Service official said the letter raises legal complexities, because the inspector general has called for internal investigations to stop but the agency has a subpoena from the committee investigating the Capitol storming and a demand for information from the National Archives. .