The Limited Times

Your personal trainer? Nature - Lifestyle

7/21/2022, 4:06:15 PM

(HANDLE) Wellness therapy with nature. Living in the mountains in summer means planning that psychophysical well-being to be cultivated all year round. This is why the slogan of the Dolomiti Wellness Festival (24-31 July in Pinzolo - Madonna di Campiglio (TN)) is not by chance "Nature, your personal trainer" . A proactive and conscious choice of a healthy lifestyle supported by nature to achieve an optimal

Wellness therapy with nature.

Living in the mountains in summer means planning that psychophysical well-being to be cultivated all year round.

This is why the slogan of the Dolomiti Wellness Festival (24-31 July in Pinzolo - Madonna di Campiglio (TN)) is not by chance

"Nature, your personal trainer"


A proactive and conscious choice of a healthy lifestyle supported by nature to achieve an optimal psycho-physical state, a premise of quality of life and longevity.

The result is

a concept of Wellness in line with what has been established by the Global Wellness Institute (GWI), which defines it as an “active search for initiatives, choices and lifestyles that lead to a state of holistic health”.

 Promoted by Treventur - Trentino Eventi Turismo, in collaboration with the Madonna di Campiglio Tourist Board, it provides activities dedicated to both sports enthusiasts and those who prefer slower movements and wellness treatments, as well as training and in-depth meetings led by experts , including the "Doses of Nature" and the scientific conference "Multidimensional health".

The other central concept of the event is the philosophy of well-being connected to the holiday period, experimenting with educational experiences, from which to draw behavioral models to establish new lifestyles, thus further developing what is the idea of ​​Wellness Tourism. , defined by the GWI as “the journey associated with maintaining or improving one's well-being”.

The report 'The global wellness economy: looking beyond Covid' predicts

a 21% growth in the sector by 2025


The context of the festival is unique in the world: the Brenta Dolomites, Unesco World Heritage Site, with the strong predisposition of the Trentino area rich in water, forests, pastures and crystal clear air.

There are 4 thematic areas:

· Wellness - slow-paced activities surrounded by greenery, including two Open Day Nature Coaching Academy, experiential training and personal and professional growth activities, in connection with nature.

Friday 26 July, the one dedicated to companies is very interesting, to which entrepreneurs, managers, middle managers, HR managers are invited;

Activity - movement in nature, including the Dolomiti Wellness Marathon: every day a different path of 7 km, equal to about 10 thousand steps a day recommended by doctors, to conclude with the Longevity Run, organized by the A. Gemelli Polyclinic and the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, with the aim of sensitizing citizens to adopt healthy lifestyles and encourage cardiovascular prevention;

· Meetings - training and study on health with experts, including the "Doses of Nature - The Triangle of Health", to disseminate the culture of well-being, through theoretical concepts and practical applications concerning emotions, nutrition and movement.

The inspiration comes from the medical practice, applied in Anglo-Saxon countries, of the prescription of doses of nature;

· Leisure - living nature with lightness and joy, moments that give serenity and improve mood, with beneficial effects on health: concerts, shows, wellness dance for the little ones.

Another space for children also offers activities on the go, with the guides of Mountain Friends.

The conference Saturday 30 July appointment with "Multidimensional health - Environment, Body, Spirit and Mind: the pillars of Man of the third millennium", the scientific conference coordinated by Paola Rizzitelli, consultant, writer and expert trainer of Wellness Economy.

A meeting open to all, but also a training opportunity for doctors and all operators in the sector, which focuses on the concept of multidimensional health and a synergistic vision of prevention, treatment and healing of the person.

A round table is also planned, with the aim of identifying a replicable method for a survey on the level of well-being of the person, which promotes the spread of a higher level of awareness about our health.

Speakers, in order, will be Dr. Paolo Zavarella, President of AIMeF (Italian Association of Forest Medicine);

Dr. Gallieno Marri, Vice-president SIMPeSV (Italian Society of Prevention and Lifestyles Medicine);

Marcella Danon, Psychologist, writer, professor of Ecopsychology at the University of Val d'Aosta;

Pino Dellasega, Sportsman, trainer, creator of Brain Walking, Resilience expert;

Dr. Francesco Galvanini, Scientific Coordinator of BEMER Italy, specialist in Internal Medicine, expert and operator of Aetiopathogenetic Integrated Functional Medicine on a psychosomatic basis;

Dr. Francesco Landi, Director of Internal Geriatric Medicine at the Gemelli Polyclinic in Rome, Department of Aging, Neurological, Orthopedic Sciences, Dr. Claudio Pagliara Oncologist, president of MON (National Holistic Medicine). 

The Province of Trento is among the sponsors of the event.