The Limited Times

Decision made: the name for the new Freising elementary and middle school has been decided

7/22/2022, 6:18:11 PM

Decision made: the name for the new Freising elementary and middle school has been decided Created: 07/22/2022, 20:00 By: Andreas Beschorner Ready to go in September: The new stone schools in Freising will be ready in time for the start of school - and now they also have a name. © Lehmann There had been emotional disputes among the city councilors over the name of the new Freising schools. Now

Decision made: the name for the new Freising elementary and middle school has been decided

Created: 07/22/2022, 20:00

By: Andreas Beschorner

Ready to go in September: The new stone schools in Freising will be ready in time for the start of school - and now they also have a name.

© Lehmann

There had been emotional disputes among the city councilors over the name of the new Freising schools.

Now a decision has been made.


– It stays the same: The new schools on the site of the former General von Stein barracks will be called “Freising am SteinPark primary school” and “Freising am SteinPark middle school”.

The city council decided on this naming on Thursday at 8:13 p.m. and thus confirmed the decision of the culture committee - after another tough discussion, the end of a rocky road.

Head of department Karl-Heinz Wimmer emphasized that it was not up to the administration, but to the State Education Authority and the Ministry of Education, that the Green Party's application from 2019 to think about the naming did not prevent the procedure from now then but in a kind of "Hauruck" had to go over the stage.

"It's not about a General von Stein school"

Rector duo Sabine Jackermaier and Simon Pelczer cited the reasons that prompted the school family to choose this name: It is not about a General von Stein school.

"SteinPark" became established when the FOS/BOS, the adult education center or now the vaccination center were housed in the former staff building, and the name didn't pose a problem either.

There is the SteinCenter, as well as a children's home called "SteinPark".

Statements that Rudolf Schwaiger (CSU) agreed to by loudly and long knocking on the table.

Eva Bönig (Greens) said that for her the name General-von-Stein was "done" when the city bought the area in 2007.

It is now urgent to rename General-von-Stein-Straße so that no connections can be made there.

School referee Monika Riesch (FSM) repeated her credo: it is important to address history.

But now it is time to make a "reorientation" - away from General von Stein.

opponents would have

The street currently named after the artillery general could be renamed Edith-Stein-Straße.

Richard Paukner (AfD) was "fascinated by what is said about General von Stein": He served there, everyone only ever spoke of the "Ari", he thinks the choice of name for the school family was good.

But it was precisely that school family that had hardly any chances to deal intensively with the naming, Susanne Günther (Greens) complained: The committees had received exactly one e-mail with the name suggestions and were in it - with a one-day deadline asked a yes or no.

Günther suggested taking the time "to come to a democratic solution".

This was also advocated by Peter Warlimont (SPD), who attributed “a certain charm” to the name Edith Stein.

"Unfair" to the schools

Ulrich Vogl (ÖDP) rigorously rejected the name suggestions: He sees "frantic attempts to negate the connection to the old barracks".

Nicolas Pano-Graßy (left) spoke of "constructed arguments".

He wanted an adjournment to find a solution for the 2023/2024 school year.

But his proposal fell through with 21:12 votes.

The proposal "am SteinPark" was accepted with 20:13.

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While history speaker Guido Hoyer (left) had apologized for the meeting, Mayor Tobias Eschenbacher (FSM) took a position at the end: The city council must see self-critically that “we should have had this discussion twelve years ago”.

Because in a 2010 competition announced by the city, “Otto-von-Freising-Park” was chosen as the winner.

Vogl also knew about this.

And he knew that they then gave in to the "pressure" of an investor and called the site "SteinPark".

According to the mayor, the schools would have adopted this system.

Denying you that now would be “unfair”.