The Limited Times

Draghi summons union leaders on July 27th

7/23/2022, 4:30:12 PM

Prime Minister Draghi summoned the leaders of CGIL, CISL and UIL, Maurizio Landini, Luigi Sbarra and Pierpaolo Bombardieri to Palazzo Chigi for Wednesday 27 July at 10 am. At the center of the confrontation with the trade unions there would be the 'aid-bis' decree. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - ROME, JUL 23 - Prime Minister Draghi summoned the leaders of CGIL, CISL and UIL, Maurizio Landini, Luigi Sbarra and Pierpaolo Bombardieri at PalazzoChigi for Wednesday 27 July at 10 am.

At the center of the confrontation with the trade unions there would be the 'aid-bis' decree.

A move - that of the Premier - which also followed the appeal of the President of the Republic SergioMattarella to follow up, by the outgoing government, the latest measures of greater urgency to deal with the energy crisis and its impact on families and businesses.

The decree should arrive within the first week of August: there was talk of an endowment of 10 billion, with, in the version preceding the political crisis, the minimum wage and an anticipation of the tax wedge cut.

However, the two measures, more political, are no longer in the

agenda given the 'current' nature of the measures that can be adopted by a resigning government.


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