The Limited Times

Russian missiles on the port of Odessa, 'there are victims'

7/23/2022, 10:45:13 AM

Ukraine accuses Russia of having launched four missiles on Odessa also hitting the commercial port, crucial for the wheat agreement signed yesterday in Istanbul. According to Ukrainian media, the Russians used cruise missiles of the "Kalibr" type. According to Kiev, the attack is "Putin's spit in the face" of the UN and Turkey (ANSA)

Ukraine accuses Russia of having launched

four missiles on Odessa

also hitting the commercial port, crucial for the wheat agreement signed yesterday in Istanbul.

According to Ukrainian media, the Russians used Kalibr-type cruise missiles.

 "Two missiles were shot down by the anti-aircraft defense forces, two hit the infrastructural structures of the port", reads the message from local officials.

According to deputy Oleksiy Goncharenko, there are victims.

"Once again they showed what the deals with them are worth," he wrote.

With the missile attack on Odessa,

Vladimir Putin "spat in the face" of the UN and Turkey


This was stated by the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry on Facebook, quoted by Ukrainska Pravda.

Should the wheat deal fail, Russia will be

"fully responsible

," said Kiev Foreign Ministry spokesman Oleg Nikolenko, quoted by Ukrainska Pravda.

"It took less than 24 hours for the Russian Federation to launch a missile attack on the port of Odessa to question the agreements and promises made to the UN and Turkey in the document signed yesterday in Istanbul" on the safe export of Ukrainian wheat , writes the spokesman of the foreign ministry, Oleg Nikolenko on Facebook.

"The Russian missile is Vladimir Putin's spit in the face of UN Secretary General António Guterres and President of Turkey Recep Erdogan, who have made enormous efforts to reach an agreement, and to which Ukraine is grateful," adds Nikolenko. .

"Ukraine stresses the need for strict implementation of the agreements on restoring the safe export of Ukrainian agricultural products across the Black Sea from three ports: Odessa, Chornomorsk and Yuzhnoye.

We call on the United Nations and Turkey to ensure that Russia complies with its obligations

within the framework of the safe functioning of the grain corridor. In the event of non-compliance with the agreements reached - he concludes -, Russia will assume full responsibility for the worsening of the world food crisis ".

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