The Limited Times

Tour de France: Dylan Orieult, from the kitchens of the Élysée to the food truck of the Cofidis team

7/23/2022, 7:24:04 AM

After six years in the service of François Hollande and Emmanuel Macron, Dylan Orieult has changed scenery for small dishes for the Cofidis team runners.

Special envoy to Cahors

To discover

  • The route of the Tour de France 2022

  • The general classification of the Tour de France

In his food truck parked under the ramparts of Carcassonne, Dylan Orieult struggles.

It is 7:00 p.m. and the thermometer still indicates 35 degrees in the medieval city swept by a hot wind.

Not enough to distract the cook of the Cofidis team and his rebellious little lock, juggling over the stoves.

On the menu tonight: mint feta watermelon, gazpacho, spiced sea bream, gnocchi, rice, tomato sauce, coconut pana cotta, vanilla passion fruit to thrill the taste buds of runners to perk up after a day in the stifling heat.

At the height of the afternoon, when the mercury rose to 40 degrees, the Norman finished his dinner preparations in a cramped space of a few square meters, light years from the facilities of the Élysée Palace. which he recently left.

Dylan Orieult spent six years in the service of the Presidents of the Republic, first under François Hollande, then Emmanuel Macron.

The memories of the golds of the Republic and the…

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