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"You are no longer one of the number of divorce refusers": after 24 years - a refuser divorced his wife | Israel today

7/24/2022, 8:00:46 PM

After years of abuse and torture, the refused party decided she couldn't take it anymore - and closed the divorce case • Recently, unexpectedly, the refuse party agreed to grant the divorce • The "dead end" organization is angry: "It's 24 years too late, the system must change"

After losing hope and closing the divorce case:

after 24 years, a divorced woman from the center of the country, who suffered severe violence from her partner and endless torture in the courts without result, today (Sunday) surprisingly received a divorce from her husband - 24 years after she asked for a divorce from him.

The divorce refuser suffered severe violence from her partner and finally separated from him, but even after she left him - her torment did not stop.

For nine years, she had to attend hearing after hearing at the Rabbinical Court in Petach Tikva without a verdict, while her partner refuses to provide her with the long-awaited divorce, all while she takes care of her sick daughter alone.

Finally, she lost hope and had to close the case.

"She realized that she did not have the privilege to continue managing the case," according to the "dead end" organization that represented her.

Recently, her partner unexpectedly informed her that he is ready to grant her a divorce, and thus she received the long-awaited divorce at the court in Ariel.

In "dead end" they say that this is a case of "too little, too late".

Attorney Shir Lavi, photo: Il Tal

Attorney Shir Lavi from the legal department of "Dead End", said: "We have all heard from the administration of the courts that divorce refusers are few and isolated and this is not a widespread phenomenon.

The discussion we represented in the tribunal illustrates how much the data published by the tribunals does not reflect reality.

Only after 24 years, when it was clear that she could no longer bear more children, the divorce refuser suddenly decided that he was ready to grant a divorce.

24 years in which she suffered severe violence."

She also told Lavi: "We were there to make sure that she would not be blackmailed in exchange for a divorce, which she did receive without conditions. 24 years too late, when from the point of view of the court she is not at all among those who refuse the divorce. This system must change."

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