The Limited Times

French Open: 3x3 basketball successfully celebrates urban culture in Reims

7/24/2022, 9:30:10 AM

REPORT – The 11th edition of the 3x3 French Basketball Open was held this weekend, from Thursday to Saturday, in front of the Porte de Mars in Reims. A new success for the FFBB.

Special envoy to Reims

High level on the pitch

For this final event of the Super League 3x3, the players did not disappoint by playing very good basketball.

The Melting Pote team, invited to the French Open, has assumed its favorite status with world champions Laëtitia Guapo and Hortenze Limouzin in its ranks.

They won the trophy in a controlled final against the Bshop team.

In the men's draw, Bordeaux Ballistik and Versailles played the most beautiful and close encounter of the weekend, during the final won (17-16) at the end of the suspense by the Bordelais.

The competitions also gave us their share of adrenaline with an exceptional jury in charge of grading the dunkers: Florent Pietrus, Endy Miyem and Franck Séguéla among others.

For the third year in a row, Yohan Lemay is the one who has shown himself to be the most spectacular by mounting a very high dunk.

For the shoot contest, the winner Maud Stervinou caught fire by chaining the three points and winning a record: 11 outside shots in 30 seconds which blew up the stands in Reims.

An electric atmosphere in front of the Porte de Mars

True to its policy of making 3x3 basketball accessible to all, the FFBB had not provided ticketing for this free event with free access.

Over the three days, the French Open welcomed no less than 6,000 people according to the first estimates of the Federation.

During the final stages, the stands were full and noisy.

Read alsoBasketball: Guapo and the girls of "Melting Pote" crowned French 3x3 champions, Bordeaux titled in men's

The greatest success for the Fédé remains the diversification of the public: family, children, teenagers, grandparents... Some enthusiasts initiated to the orange ball did not hesitate to raise their voices to set the mood, while simple curious are placed in the stands to discover the practice and the event.

A crucial mission for the FFBB which is always seeking to strengthen its discipline, particularly in the area of ​​media coverage.

Workshops and events dedicated to urban culture

If the best players of the French circuit clashed on the central field, other animations invaded the site of the event.

Accompanied by La Caisse d'Epargne, official partner of the FFBB, the Urban Sports Association Blacklist, of which Carlota Dudek, French champion and member of the French breaking team, is a member, is responsible for ensuring demonstrations of breakdance, a new Olympic discipline, with his teammates two years from the Paris Olympics.

Read alsoOpen de France basketball: behind the scenes of the partnership between the FFBB and La Caisse d'Épargne two years before the Paris Olympics

“This event allows us to open up another audience by promoting and raising awareness of break codes.

The two disciplines are practiced outdoors and are part of a similar culture, street hip hop”

, specifies Abdel Mustapha, coach-coordinator of the French Breaking team.

Introductions to breakdance, parkour and 3x3 basketball were also organized for children on Friday and Saturday mornings.

“I felt that my son was happy and that he gained self-confidence during the exercise

,” said a mother proud to have seen her son pass each obstacle of the course to the organizers of the various workshops.

In Reims, the sharing of values, emotions and passions prevailed over competition, tension and play. And this in itself is the recipe for success of the FFBB since the Tokyo Olympics: being able to install with universal ingredients for an unforgettable and accessible show.

Next year, the French Open will settle in Rennes, from July 27 to 29, 2023, on the Charles de Gaulle esplanade.

A new celebration of urban culture and basketball, as the countdown to the Paris 2024 Olympics will display the symbolic bar of J-365.