The Limited Times

Interview︱Liu Shuyi: Li Jiachao is more democratic than Carrie Lam "Four-character mantra" message to enact Article 23

7/24/2022, 11:12:24 PM

After the new government took office, the Executive Council Group was also reorganized, with New Democracy Party Chairman Ye Liu Shuyi serving as the convener, the first member of the Legislative Council with a political party background to serve as the convener. She said in an exclusive interview with "Hong Kong 01"

After the new government took office, the Executive Council Group was also reorganized, with New Democracy Party Chairman Ye Liu Shuyi serving as the convener, the first member of the Legislative Council with a political party background to serve as the convener.

In an exclusive interview with "Hong Kong 01", she said that her new role will not hinder her from continuing to monitor government governance in the future.

Comparing the two chief executives, Yip Liu Shuyi described Li Jiachao as being more approachable, humorous and willing to listen to opinions; "little sister" Carrie Lam was "sluggish" and wanted to show her "familiarity", but this style also had obvious side effects.

As the "pioneer" of the Li Jiachao government, who is about to take over the legislative task of Article 23 of the Basic Law, Ip Liu Shuyi also has a message, the essence of which is in four words...

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Privately express major policy objections to the chief executive

Ye Liu Shuyi said at the outset that serving as the convener will not have a great impact on the monitoring of the government, because the government will not have everything decided by the Executive Council. After the guild, but once the policy is approved by the guild, the members must be "collectively responsible" and support it unanimously.

When asked how to deal with strong opinions on government policies in the future, Mrs. Ye pointed out that he would express his opinions to the Chief Executive in private at an early stage, "I will speak before it is mature and thoroughly researched, even if it is not public. (Members of the Executive Council) It's not about "pumping water" or "publishing the newspaper", it's about giving the best advice to the Chief Executive, and the same is true for cabinets all over the world."

Ye Tai pointed out that most of the policies discussed by the guild have a wide range of social impacts and are highly market-sensitive, and should not be discussed in public before the policy direction is immature.

She gave an analogy, if the government plans to fully revert the shares of MTR to the government, such a major policy change, the guild members should not publish their opinions if they have any opinions, otherwise it will definitely cause financial market shocks, "Of course, I don't think the government will It would be stupid (to repurchase the MTR)." She added with a smile.

Ye Tai further analyzed that the guild and the chief executive have different opinions, and the situation is mainly divided into two types: first, some members do not accept the decision of the guild, so they have to resign on their own. The second is that the guild as a whole does not agree with the Chief Executive’s decision, which is stated in Article 56 of the Basic Law: “If the Chief Executive does not accept the opinions of the majority of the Executive Council, he shall provide specific reasons for Records.” Because the guild has no executive power, the power rests with the chief executive, so the opinion has been given. If the chief executive does not accept it, he will explain it to history himself. Criticism, but also support the government when the Legislative Council votes.

Ye Liu Shuyi talked about the different styles of the two chief executives, Carrie Lam and Li Jiachao.

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Li Jiachao and Carrie Lam have very different styles: Li Jiachao will not simply endorse

Together with this year, Ip Lau Shu-yee has served as a non-official member of the Executive Council for three consecutive terms. When asked about the difference between the styles of the current and previous Chief Executive, she pointed out: "Qu (Lee Ka-chao) is democratic and willing to listen to opinions. My personal style is more approachable and more humble. Even if my family presides over the daily morning high-level officials' meeting (morning prayer meeting), the officials are more enthusiastic to speak up." However, since there were only two guild meetings, it is difficult to give specific examples. But I think Li Jiachao's current impression on the outside world is that he is more willing to accept opinions, is easier to get along with, and has a little sense of humor. Just burst into laughter and talk about what you will understand in life, that is, it is not purely endorsement, it is so technical."

She pointed out that when Li Jiachao was the Secretary for Security, the reason why he felt more "fierce" was due to the role setting, and the "law enforcer" must feel strict enough. You'll think I'm disgusting."

Ye Liu talked about his "sister" Carrie Lam's style during her tenure as chief executive: "I used to be so sluggish, but I know everything." Therefore, when talking about policies, he would often give a lot of background and technical details, showing "I It's a familiar book", but the public may not be interested: "There are so many technical details, the public can't receive it." The details can be handed over to the Secretary, and the Chief Executive can only focus on the general direction.

On July 1, 2003, hundreds of thousands of citizens took to the streets to oppose the legislation of Article 23 of the Basic Law. At that time, Ye Liu Shuyi was the focus of protesters.

(File photo/Reuters)

Recalling the Legislative Controversy in 2003: Li Zhuming also agreed that the provisions were loose at first

One of the important tasks of the Li Jiachao government is to complete the constitutional responsibility of the legislation of Article 23 of the Basic Law, but it is still in the legal research stage, and there is no specific timetable and content.

This is precisely the unfinished task of Yip Liu Shuyi that day. She was the then Secretary of Security in 2003, and was responsible for promoting 23 pieces of legislation for the Tung Chee-hwa government. However, at that time, it aroused strong opposition from the democrats, and the society was also deeply troubled by problems such as negative assets and SARS. The trouble eventually led to an outbreak of public grievances. 71.5 million people took to the streets to denounce the government. Legislation was unsuccessful. Ye Liu Shuyi was also held accountable and stepped down. Five years later, she was re-elected as a member of the Legislative Council.

"I lost the media battle at that time." Ye Liu Shuyi summed up her experience in a succinct sentence.

She recalled that the 2002 government consultation bill was already a very mild version, and after the amendment, "public interest" could also be used as a defense: "The regulations are very clear and relaxed, and when it was first introduced (the founding chairman of the Democratic Party) Li Zhuming always said, "It turned out to be like this, how easy it is." It was only later that the democrats "got it in place" and stigmatized the legislation, coupled with the economic slump after SARS, that sparked public grievances.

Therefore, Ye Liu Shuyi wrote that the key to the success of Li Jiachao's legislation lies in the words "clear explanation". The official government information should be clearly communicated, so that citizens can understand that it is good for them to further improve the national security mechanism, and they can worry about human rights. Not necessarily.

However, she believes that the current social environment is much easier than it was then.

Ye Liu Shuyi pointed out with a smile that former British Prime Minister Theresa May did not get as many votes in her constituency as she did.

(File photo/Reuters)

Refers to the United States and the United Kingdom's unimaginable opening jokes, "I have voted more than Theresa May"

Ye Tai pointed out that 19 years have passed since the last legislation, and the international situation has changed a lot. The National Security Law of Hong Kong has set some standards, and the legislation of Article 23 must also keep pace with the times. For example, some crimes are as serious as the four major crimes of the National Security Law. For behaviors such as treason and stealing state secrets, the sentence should also be taken into consideration.

Ye Liu Shuyi concluded that many Western-style democracies in foreign countries, such as the United States and the United Kingdom, also have very strict national security laws, for example: "The United States has charged (the founder of WikiLeaks) Assange with the crime of espionage. "Relevant information" is included. The United States and the United States will extend many factors to national security. Hong Kong people love to be with foreign countries, why should they be with them? Since they yearn for a democratic country."

She also joked that in the 2016 and 2021 Legislative Council elections, she had already won more votes than any member of the British House of Commons: "(Former British Prime Minister) Theresa May has only a few 20,000 votes. All 65,000 votes, and in 2016, there were more than 60,000 votes under the fierce competition! My constituency is 600,000 to 700,000 people, and another constituency is 60,000 to 70,000, but he is the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, and finally Midu was elected by party members , (authorized by public opinion) is it good?” So she hopes that the public will also have a comprehensive view when comparing the systems of Hong Kong and Western countries.

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Article 23︱Ye Liu Shuyi: Legislation needs to reconsider the international situation and the National Security Law will become the "gold standard"