The Limited Times

Lavrov, there will be a third party to escort the ships with grain

7/24/2022, 4:30:17 PM

It will be a third party, which will be determined later, to ensure the safety of the ships carrying Ukrainian grain along with Russia and Turkey. This was stated by the Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, reports Tass. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - ROME, JULY 24 - It will be a third party, which will be determined later, to guarantee the safety of the ships that transport Ukrainian wheat together with Russia and Turkey.

   This was stated by the Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, reports Tass.

    "We managed to reach an agreement in Istanbul: Ukraine will mine the ports and let the ships take the sea, while Russia, Turkey and another party, which will be determined later, will escort the ships to the Bosphorus," Lavrov explained. in a meeting in Cairo with the ambassadors of the nations of the Arab League.

    According to Lavrov, the Russia-UN memorandum signed in conjunction with the Istanbul agreements "binds the UN Secretary-General to initiate the process, persuading Western countries to lift all restrictions" imposed on the export of Russian wheat.