The Limited Times

"Judensau" at the Wittenberg town church is to be removed

7/26/2022, 4:25:25 PM

The depiction has been heating up spirits for a long time – now it must give way: A committee convened on behalf of the church recommends that the »Judensau« be removed quickly.

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»Judensau« relief on the Wittenberg town church

Photo: Hendrik Schmidt / dpa

An expert advisory board recommends the “prompt removal” of an anti-Semitic relief from the Wittenberg town church.

This was announced by a spokesman for the committee that was convened on behalf of the parish church council.

The »Judensau« depiction from the 13th century has occupied the church, civil society and the courts for years.

The sandstone relief on the facade of the church shows a rabbi looking into a pig's anus while other Jews drink from the animal's teats.

In the Christian art of the Middle Ages, pigs embodied the devil, in Judaism they are considered unclean.

The expert council now recommended “bringing about a clear change in the current situation”.

The sculpture must be withdrawn from the "current visibility" - preferably by "removal".

The relief should then be placed elsewhere with an adequate context.

Christoph Maier, member of the advisory board and director of the Evangelische Akademie Sachsen-Anhalt, told the Süddeutsche Zeitung that it was important not to "shove the sculpture off to just any museum" but to show it in a "learning location" near the church.

The pensioner Michael Düllmann, who lives in Bonn, has been demanding the removal of the relief from Martin Luther's former sermon church for years - and also brought the case to court.

As a Jew, he feels disparaged.

The other side points out that an information board explains the historical context.

In June, the Federal Court of Justice ruled that the sandstone relief did not have to be removed.

With a base plate and a display with explanatory text, the church congregation converted the »shame« into a »memorial«.


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