The Limited Times

Chocolate in the fridge: why it's not a good place to store it

7/26/2022, 11:55:55 AM

Do you store chocolate in the fridge? Why she has no business there Created: 07/26/2022, 13:42 By: Maria Wendel You love your chocolate nice and cold from the fridge? Read here why this is not the best storage place and what you can do in summer. Summer is here and it's bringing us a lot of hot days at the moment. No wonder that attic dwellers in particular keep their chocolate bars in the fri

Do you store chocolate in the fridge?

Why she has no business there

Created: 07/26/2022, 13:42

By: Maria Wendel

You love your chocolate nice and cold from the fridge?

Read here why this is not the best storage place and what you can do in summer.

Summer is here and it's bringing us a lot of hot days at the moment.

No wonder that attic dwellers in particular keep their chocolate bars in the fridge.

Otherwise, at room temperatures of up to 35 degrees Celsius, you won’t get much pleasure from the chocolate, which should then liquefy.

Apart from the hot summer temperatures, the refrigerator is not a good place to store chocolate.

There are several reasons for this.

If you like your chocolate crisp and cold, store it in the fridge.

Unfortunately, that's not the best place for them.

© Gemma Ferrando/Imago

That's why you shouldn't store chocolate in the fridge

Unfortunately, the cold, humidity and odors in the refrigerator have a negative effect on chocolate stored there:

  • Cold: The refrigerator is simply too cold for the complex flavors of chocolate.

    These unfold optimally at room temperature.

    Tip: If you take the chocolate out of the fridge a while before enjoying it, it will taste better.

  • Moisture: Do you know that white coating on chocolate?

    This is not necessarily caused by age, but by temperature changes and humidity.

    If you first store chocolate in a cold, damp refrigerator and then place it in a warm place, the water condenses and the sugar dissolves.

    As the water evaporates, the sugar crystallizes.

    This creates the sugar bloom that we see as a white coating on the chocolate.

    He is harmless to health, but looks unappetizing.

  • Foreign odours: The different smells in the refrigerator from cheese, sausage, leftovers etc. can have a negative effect on the chocolate stored there - especially if it is no longer in its original packaging and has been opened.

    Particular care should be taken with white chocolate: it has a high fat content and is therefore a good flavor carrier.

How to store chocolate correctly

According to the Federal Association of the German Confectionery Industry


, chocolate is best stored at 12 to 18 °C, dry and dark - i.e. in the cellar or in a pantry.

Opened chocolate should always be packed airtight.

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Summer heat: This is the only way to keep chocolate in the fridge

If, despite these good reasons, you do not want to do without the chilled chocolate from the fridge - or you cannot do otherwise due to the high temperatures in your apartment - we recommend this procedure: Pack the chocolate in an airtight manner, preferably in a tin.

At least it is protected from foreign smells and moisture in the refrigerator.

As for the temperature: store the chocolate box in the fridge door: that's the warmest part of the fridge.

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