The Limited Times

Competition bill: Chamber, ok to the text, back to the Senate

7/26/2022, 5:43:26 PM

In Montecitorio the rule relating to taxis has been removed. The government prepares the Aid-2 decree. 14.3 billion on the field, says Draghi: 'We still have a lot to do. Autumn will be complex '. On Thursday the plenary votes on the 2022 budget adjustment law (ANSA)

Green light from the Chamber of the Chamber to the Competition bill.

The text, approved in Montecitorio with 345 votes in favor and 41 against (Fdi and Alternativa), returns in third reading in the Senate: in Montecitorio the rule relating to taxis has been removed.

The Chamber of the Chamber will vote on Thursday the Report to Parliament 2022 (pursuant to Law no.243 / 2012, art.6) Presented by the President of the Council of Ministers Mario Draghi and by the Minister of Economy and Finance Daniele Franco to the Council of ministers today.

This was decided by the group leaders of Montecitorio.

An absolute majority is required for this vote.

ANSA agency

Draghi: 'The government does not stop, there is still a lot to do' - Politics

The activities of the government do not stop, the executive still has a lot to do within the scope of the functions that are entrusted to it at this stage.


"In a conjunctural moment like the present one, the competition bill intervenes with some structural measures intended to give a concrete response to the present and future needs of our production system. We carry out important reforms, capable of promoting greater competitive dynamism, to relaunch the competitiveness of the system. -Country and promote the development of the real economy, from business law, to energy, to the world of commerce and consumers, passing through a better quality and efficiency of public services. With the approval of the provision, we also honor one of the main commitments undertaken with the National Recovery and Resilience Plan. Now the provision is back for the last reading in the Senate ".

Gilberto Pichetto declares it,

"We will not allow an agenda opposed to that of Mario Draghi to be triggered in this country, much less if it is remotely controlled by other countries that have enjoyed the end of the government".

This was stated by Sara Moretto, deputy of Italia Viva, during the declaration of vote on the Competition Bill.

"We do not accept ambiguities - he continued - in our relations with Putin, we do not retreat an inch from our duty to remain in Europe, we do not give up the battle for modernity of our country that this Bill is also taking on. engaged in listing the damage resulting from the fall of the Draghi government caused by the 5 Star Movement, Lega and Forza Italia. It is a government that allowed Italy to emerge from the pandemic, which was managing a very difficult energy crisis,

which held a clear position on the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, which was preparing to issue new support measures for families and businesses.

The excerpt from the article on public transport reform adds to all this bitterness.

This will allow those who provoked it to ride even more and better the protest of those who in recent weeks have interrupted a public service declaring themselves unwilling to any reform "." Italia Viva does not believe that the solution to a problem can be the continuous postponement, ignoring the needs of users and slapping the many operators who in recent weeks have shown a sense of responsibility, foresight and vision at the table convened by Deputy Minister Bellanova, whom I thank for what has been done ", he concluded.

"Since the Bolkestein directive was issued we have been on the same side, it is appropriate to say" same beach, same sea "... We tried to defend an Italian excellence, an ancient craft invented here at the end of the 19th century on which Unesco should intervene, declaring it intangible heritage of humanity and, instead of activating legitimate reform intentions to optimize and qualify it, there is a risk of yielding to foreign companies.It will be difficult for the Democratic Party, but also for others, to campaign on the beach. In the event that we win, Fratelli d'Italia undertakes to expire the delegation of the legislative decree,for bathing establishments and for many other sectors affected and distorted by the competition bill which, ignoring the principle of reciprocity, hurl themselves against family businesses without offering any new space on the European market ". This is what the vice president of the Chamber of Deputies Fabio Rampelli of Fratelli d 'Italy.

those who said that the government crisis would stop the PNRR.

Instead, everything goes on more rapidly. ”This was stated by Lega MP Edoardo Rixi in his speech in the Chamber during the interventions for the final declaration of vote.