The Limited Times

Doctors pulled a bottle of water from the buttock of an Iranian man - who was ashamed to tell his wife about the reason for his constipation - voila! health

7/26/2022, 9:19:29 PM

An Iranian man was ashamed to tell his wife about the cause of his constipation and she had to take him to the hospital only after three days of severe stomach pains

Doctors pulled a bottle of water from the buttock of an Iranian man - who was ashamed to tell his wife about the reason for his constipation

An Iranian man was ashamed to tell his wife about the reason for his constipation and she had to take him to the hospital only after three days of severe abdominal pain. The operation went smoothly and the doctors explained that the common reason for such an act is "getting sexual satisfaction"

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Wednesday, July 27, 2022, 00:05

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An Iranian man had to be admitted to the hospital to pull out a 19-centimeter plastic bottle from his anus.

It was not reported what caused the 50-year-old man to push the bottle up his butt, but the unnamed man was so afraid of his wife's reaction to his act that he did not tell her about it for three days while he was in severe pain.

But she had to take him to the hospital after he stopped eating, had terrible stomach pains and was constipated.

Even when he came to see the doctors, the man did not say that the pains he was suffering from were due to the work that a 250 ml bottle was inside him and this was discovered only after a CT scan.

CT scan of a man with a water bottle stuck in his butt (photo: screenshot,

According to the publication of the doctors who treated him, it turned out that the man only wanted to push the end of the bottle up his butt so that he could grab the other end and pull it out.

But his plan went wrong.

He couldn't get it out and the bottle went deep into his colon.

The doctors at the "Iman Khomeini" hospital in the city of Sari did not specify what caused the man to do this, but such cases usually stem from the person's desire to get sexual satisfaction from the act.

The man, who has a history of depression, was rushed to emergency surgery under full anesthesia.

The surgeons carefully removed the bottle from his anus without it suffering any lacerations or bleeding.

Fortunately for the man, the operation went smoothly without the bottle causing him substantial damage.

After three days of recovery, the man was released from the hospital and referred to a psychiatric clinic.

And he is not alone

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To the full article

When discussing the issue of the insertion of accessories into the anus in general, the doctors stated that most of the cases in which objects get stuck inside the anus happen in men between the ages of 30 and 40. They added that in the past objects such as light bulbs, bottles, cans, sprays, etc. were found stuck in men's buttocks.

Some of the reasons for inserting objects into the rectum were attempts to treat constipation or due to psychological disorders, but most often it is an attempt to achieve sexual satisfaction.

Experts recommend that anyone who wants to try anal play do it safely and use an object with a wide base to prevent it from getting lost inside.

  • health

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  • buttock

  • Bottle

  • x-ray