The Limited Times

EU Court of Auditors rejects the Commission's REPowerEu plan

7/26/2022, 3:49:59 PM

It is a substantial rejection that arrived today by the EU Court of Auditors against the REPowerEU plan presented in mid-May by the European Commission to accelerate the reduction of dependence on fossil fuels from Russia ... (ANSA)

(ANSA) - BRUSSELS, JULY 26 - Today the EU Court of Auditors rejected the REPowerEU plan presented in mid-May by the European Commission to accelerate the reduction of dependence on fossil fuels from Russia and increase the resilience of the EU energy system.

   According to the analysis conducted by the Court, of the 210 billion in additional funding that the Commission estimates would be activated by REPowerEU, those that will be directly and actually made available by the plan will be only 20 billion.
