The Limited Times

Moratti, I am waiting for clarification from the right, then I will consider myself free

7/26/2022, 12:26:06 PM

"I am focused on my Region": Letizia Moratti, vice president of Lombardy who has given her willingness to run as governor, explained it to Aria who pulls up La7 by answering the question if her name could be used as ... (ANSA )

(ANSA) - MILAN, JUL 26 - "I am focused on my region": Letizia Moratti, vice president of Lombardy who had given the willingness to run as governor, explained it to the Aria that pulls up La7 by answering the question if her name could be used as minister or even as the center-right prime minister.

    "I am waiting for a clarification - she added - after which I will feel free and independent to make my choices, as I have always been".

    Letizia Moratti then reiterated that she had given "my availability" for a candidacy for governor for the center-right "and I am reconfirming her".

When asked if, after the fall of the Draghi government to which she was against, the former minister and former mayor of Milan still feels center-right: "I have always considered myself to be at the service of the citizens, I always act in a civic manner. mine is a civic commitment. I don't see ideological barriers: I believe in programs, in listening and in comparison, this has always been my compass, the North Star and it will always be like this.

"I try to evaluate the programs first and with respect to that I choose and determine my choices and actions. The center-right has always been a pro-European and Atlanticist state and in this I find myself"

he added.

Now, she noted, "the patterns are crumbling and reconstituting, it will be a matter of seeing how. Some political parties are already outlining their own agenda and this looks very serious."