The Limited Times

Vaccine against Covid-19: caregivers eligible in turn for the 2nd booster dose

7/26/2022, 3:13:12 PM

This second booster dose for carers and professionals in the medico-social sector does not “fit into the scope of the obligation

The subject is now settled.

Caregivers are now eligible for the second booster dose of the Covid-19 vaccine, according to a directive from the Directorate General of Health, made public on Tuesday.

This second reminder also concerns employees in the health sector, but also employees in the medico-social sector, such as home helpers working with vulnerable people, medical transport professionals or even firefighters, specifies the DGS.

This fourth injection does “not fall within the scope of the vaccination obligation”, she recalls.

All health professionals or employees of the medico-social sector, whatever their age and state of health, can now, if they wish, receive this second reminder.

This access to the second booster dose was until now open to people over 60, immunocompromised or to all people at risk of serious forms and to pregnant women.

Read alsoVaccine against Covid-19: the 2nd booster dose extended to all adults at risk of severe form

This second booster must be administered with the Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna messenger RNA vaccines within a minimum of six months from the first booster or three months after an infection occurring after the first booster.

“We need to get vaccinated now”

“We must be vaccinated now, without waiting for new vaccines, to be protected from the risks of a serious form”, had already insisted the Ministry of Health last week, while some people eligible for the second booster dose would prefer to wait the arrival of new versions of vaccines, hoped for in the fall.

At the same time, the government took the decision last week to maintain the vaccination obligation for caregivers and professionals working in medico-social structures.

A position still contested by part of the opposition.