The Limited Times

"Most children will gain weight during the holidays, but there is a way to stop it" | Israel today

7/27/2022, 12:56:26 PM

Are the kids bored and repeatedly opening the fridge while you work at home? It's time to change attitude, build a regular schedule and enroll them in classes that will raise their self-image

Call it a big holiday, leftovers from the corona or the addiction to screens among children and youth, the reasons are many and the result is similar - children and youth gain weight at this time of the year.

Shirley Weiss, ND naturopath and sports nutrition consultant says that "according to what I experience at my clinic, the weight gain during the months off among children and youth ranges from 3 to 8 kilograms. Since the corona and the transition to Zoom learning, unfortunately the average is closer to the upper limit."

Beyond the various pastimes, the free time and the proximity to the home refrigerator, the routine that is so important to children disappears, and this is reflected in the routine of training and classes.

Dana Krasnov, a fitness trainer for children, youth and adults at "Next Fitness" says that "there is no doubt that there is a decrease in the number of participants in training during the summer months, and this makes sense, because many things occupy children during their free time, such as social events and family trips, but I think that when the children like the training and receive Beyond that, they also find the time to train."

Parents, don't fall asleep watching

Many parents are busy with their daily lives even though the children are on vacation from kindergarten and school, but attention should be paid to maintaining a healthy lifestyle even when the anchors of the routine are not there.

Weiss says about this that "the parents can maintain control over what happens at home, because outside it is more difficult to maintain a balanced diet. That is why it is advisable to always have nutritious and varied food in the refrigerator, including snacks such as cut fruit, salad and boxes of cooked food that only need to be heated. It is advisable to allow For the child to occasionally eat something different outside like pizza or ice cream, but only outside the confines of the house, that way it becomes a special event and not something everyday."

Find training that the children will want to go to, photo: Next

Krasnov suggests setting up a family evening where the emphasis is actually on movement such as a family walk, a visit to mini golf, a climbing wall and more.

All of these will once again give that child the understanding that moving the body and being active is no longer a chore that must be performed."

Contrary to statistics, is it possible to use the period of freedom for positive change?

"Yes, and the key is a daily schedule. Don't get into a situation of too long sleeping hours that slip into the afternoon. It's a good idea to prepare a schedule every week that prevents degeneration, and gives a new meaning to the child every day. It's a good idea to enroll the children in a summer camp or a class that includes physical activity such as surfing, dancing or martial arts. To give daily responsibilities that will keep them in the frame, and also motivate them a little physically, such as shopping at the supermarket, tidying the room or washing the car, something that will also give them meaning. In addition, you can prepare the food together, and this way the child learns and knows exactly what he is eating." Weiss says.

How to strengthen the children's body image for the new school year?

"The body image of an overweight child is often poor, and leads to a feeling of diminished value and social anxiety. Especially during the holidays, when the children spend time alone, they feel a sense of failure, because they fear that while they stay and sleep at home, their classmates are spending time together at camps and the pool, having fun And we laugh. Let's add to that that there are parents who preach to the child every day how fat he is and that it doesn't look good, which lowers his confidence even more," says Weiss.

"What mainly strengthens the children's confidence is sports," Weiss adds.

"It is very worthwhile to find someone that the child will connect with, even if it involves several attempts in different branches. Once he perseveres in something and succeeds, especially if it involves movement, his confidence will do wonders."

Krasnov concludes that "another way is to schedule training together - parents and children, that way you will also have quality family time, and also remind them how much fun it is to train".

The writer is a fitness trainer and owner of Next

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