The Limited Times

"The emergency doctor was scared": Franck Nivard, one of the best drivers, after his health concern

7/27/2022, 7:56:17 AM

Victim of a heart problem last June, the 42-year-old driver, who will notably be at the sulky of Fly Speed ​​in the fifth of this Wednesday

Five Prix d'Amérique and nearly 3,700 victories!

Indispensable in the pelotons, Franck Nivard had a good scare a month ago but everything is back to normal for the 42-year-old driver.

What happened on Friday, June 24?


I woke up with pain below my heart.

I was not worried but my wife preferred to call the emergency services.

When he arrived, the emergency doctor took fright.

I then realized that it could be serious, because he thought I was having a heart attack.

In the end, it was not that but I was still diagnosed with pericarditis.

Where are you now?

I simply have to undergo treatment for three months before having new tests.

The medical team especially insisted on not making too much physical effort.

As I no longer run at a mounted trot, I manage to manage.

How was your team organized in your absence?

It was really bad timing, because I had two employees on sick leave at that time.

Fortunately, I was able to count on a couple settled near our home.

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From a sporting point of view, how do you view your year 2022?

It's not the best, that's for sure!

I received many suspensions which prevented me from being regular.

As I used to say: when it's going badly, it's that we're not far from getting better (laughs).

What are your hopes for the days and weeks to come?

I trust my agent (Alexandre Prod'homme) to be associated with good horses.

Fly Speed ​​(No. 10), which runs the fifth, is one of them.

He likes Enghien and left an excellent impression on me when I drove him on this track.

With a good run, it has the means to finish in the top three.

Regarding my team, I have a lot of hopes on Kingmambo, who qualified well and should start at the end of the summer…