The Limited Times

Lavrov to Africans: 'Don't support a world ruled by the West'

7/27/2022, 6:20:00 PM

Russian Minister in Ethiopia, the last stop on his tour in Africa (ANSA) Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on a visit to Addis Ababa urged developing countries, especially in Africa, not to support a world ruled by the United States.     "It is up to us to decide whether we want a world in which a West, totally submissive to the United States, believes it has the right to decide when and how to promote its interests without respecting international norms," ​​Lavro

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on a visit to Addis Ababa urged developing countries, especially in Africa, not to support a world ruled by the United States.

    "It is up to us to decide whether we want a world in which a West, totally submissive to the United States, believes it has the right to decide when and how to promote its interests without respecting international norms," ​​Lavrov said at the Russian Embassy in Ethiopia, the last stop of an African mini-tour that took him to Egypt, Congo-Brazzaville and Uganda.

    "The West created a system based on certain principles: market economy, fair competition, inviolability of private property, presumption of innocence - explained Lavrov -. All these principles were thrown down the drain when they did what they thought was necessary. to punish Russia ".

    Then the warning to African countries: "I have no doubt that, if necessary, they will not hesitate to do the same with any other country that annoys them in one way or another".

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