The Limited Times

Britney Spears in the lawsuit with her father: "Another very good day for Britney"

7/28/2022, 8:56:13 AM

In the lawsuit against her father, singer Britney Spears has achieved another success in court in Los Angeles: the 40-year-old does not have to be questioned by him.

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Britney Spears (stock image from 2016)

Photo: Eduardo Munoz / REUTERS

US Judge Brenda Penny on Wednesday (local time) granted the singer's request not to have to face questioning by her father and his lawyers.

Britney Spears' attorney Mathew Rosengart argued at the hearing that such a questioning could be traumatizing for the singer, as reported by the portal.

The lawyer spoke of "another very good day for Britney".

“She wants to get on with her life.

And yet this man, her father, her flesh and blood, doesn't want that," he told CNN.

Judge Penny ruled in mid-July that Jamie Spears' father must testify under oath in the dispute with his daughter.

He should disclose documents and answer questions by mid-August at the latest.

Rosengart wants to have allegations investigated, according to which the father, as a long-time guardian, is said to have enriched himself with his daughter's millions in assets.

He also wants to check allegations that the singer was secretly monitored and bugged by her supervisors.

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Rosengart said after Wednesday's court hearing that a management company involved in the case must produce all documents pertaining to possible surveillance, at the judge's behest.

The singer has been under guardianship since 2008 after she had a mental breakdown due to personal and professional problems.

In September last year, Judge Penny finally relieved the father of his guardianship.

In November, the singer regained full control of her life.

Spears married longtime boyfriend, 28-year-old fitness trainer and model Sam Asghari in California last month.

It was Spears' third wedding.

She has two teenage sons with dancer Kevin Federline.


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