The Limited Times

Nine suspects murder 'fisherman mayor', searches

7/28/2022, 12:02:05 PM

Murder and criminal association aimed at drug trafficking: these are the crimes investigated by the carabinieri of the Ros of Rome and those of Salerno who are carrying out a search decree against nine suspects involved in various capacities ... (ANSA)

(ANSA) - NAPLES, JUL 28 - Murder and criminal association aimed at drug trafficking: these are the crimes investigated by the carabinieri of the Ros of Rome and those of Salerno who are carrying out a search decree against the nine suspects involved in various capacities killing of AngeloVassallo, the first citizen of Pollica, in the Salerno area.

The "fisher mayor" who had not bowed to the Camorra.

    The investigative hypothesis is that Vassallo was killed because he wanted to reveal a drug trafficking that gravitated around the tourist port of Acciaroli of which he had come to know.

    Angelo Vassallo was shot dead on the night of 5 September 2010, in Acciaroli, a fraction of Pollica, while he was returning home in his car.

    The new investigations, explains the public prosecutor of Salerno Giuseppe Borrelli, also concern "the development and the real purpose" of a series of investigative activities put inactive immediately after the crime, and without delegation by the competent Salerno Public Prosecutor, "which had the effect of direct investigations towards subjects which were then completely unrelated to the murder ".

    On the other hand, adds Borrelli, the search decree is based on "part of the elements collected in more than a decade of investigative activities carried out by the Salerno prosecutor since the day after the crime. District Anti-Mafia Directorate of Naples ".

A connection that made it possible to use the results of the technical activities carried out by the Neapolitan DDA in the context of other investigations.

    The Public Prosecutor of Salerno specifies that the latest investigative hypotheses are "susceptible of further verification during the proceedings, also in the light of the overall probative acquisitions, still covered by investigative secrecy".