The Limited Times

Summer depression: women between the ages of 20 and 40 are particularly affected – which signs you should take seriously

7/28/2022, 11:08:21 AM

Up to six percent of people are said to suffer from summer depression. You can read here how this manifests itself and which therapies are effective.

Up to six percent of people are said to suffer from summer depression.

You can read here how this manifests itself and which therapies are effective.

The sun shines all day long, the temperatures climb to over 25 degrees Celsius: the ideal state for many people.

Summer is associated with all sorts of positive things: eating ice cream, going to the lake, spending the summer vacation in Italy.

But for some people, the warm season is anything but a festival.

You fall into a summer depression.

Doctors and psychologists refer to this clinical picture as seasonally dependent depression (SAD).

As the Medical University of Graz (MedUni Graz) informs, SAD usually occurs in winter and is therefore often incorrectly referred to as "winter depression".

However, seasonal upsets could also occur in summer – albeit much less frequently. 

According to the MedUni Graz, around four to six percent of the population are affected by summer depression.

Most patients are female and between 20 and 40 years old.

According to the current state of knowledge, there is no single trigger.

A disturbed day-night rhythm and an associated fluctuating hormone balance is discussed as the cause.

According to National Geographic magazine, environmental factors such as high temperatures, humidity and high pollen levels can also promote summer depression.


Summer, sun, beach: summer is full of beautiful moments.

However, those who fall into depression cannot enjoy it.

© Eloisa Ramos/Imago

Summer depression can be treated well

The study situation with regard to summer depression is manageable.

As a result, misdiagnoses are common.

A woman may then be misdiagnosed as having low self-esteem or dissatisfaction with her body instead of summer depression, according to the National Geographic report.

Summer depression can be treated well.

“The treatment of summer depression is almost identical to other depressive disorders.

In addition to antidepressants (such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors), talk therapy and psychological treatment are used to support patients in structuring their daily routine, maintaining physical activity and using psychoeducation to reduce insecurities and fears surrounding summer depression.

Avoiding the warm outside temperatures by staying in air-conditioned rooms and showering more frequently would also have an effect against summer depression, as reported by National Geographic.

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Summer depression: The following symptoms can indicate the mental illness

  • Inner unrest

  • insomnia

  • loss of appetite

  • weight loss

  • Mood depression lasting more than three weeks 

List of rubrics: © Eloisa Ramos/Imago