The Limited Times

Warm: Inspectorate, zero tolerance on working conditions

7/28/2022, 9:51:06 AM

Giordano: "The surveillance campaign, focus on agriculture and construction" (ANSA) The National Labor Inspectorate "adopts an uncompromising line", because "there are working conditions and rights that do not go on vacation": with these words the director of the organization Bruno Giordano announces the departure of the campaign to ANSA vigilance based on "zero tolerance" to prevent damage to employees on duty in the current hot season, in the aftermath of the recent circular on

The National Labor Inspectorate "adopts an uncompromising line", because "there are working conditions and rights that do not go on vacation": with these words the director of the organization Bruno Giordano announces the departure of the campaign to ANSA vigilance based on "zero tolerance" to prevent damage to employees on duty in the current hot season, in the aftermath of the recent circular on risks from high temperatures.

At present, Giordano finally points out, "about 3,000 inspectors are in force, but from 1 September another 900 will enter the service of the Inspectorate".

Two days ago in Montalcino (Siena) the Territorial Inspectorate already acted on a farm, interrupting the work that some outdoor workers were carrying out,

with over 36 degrees, and sanctioning the company;

the director of the INL explains that the activity in the countryside is one of the sectors in which "targeted" checks will be carried out in the summer, together with the tourism sector and construction sites, "both in traditional ones and in those concerning highways and forest areas ", continues Giordano.