The Limited Times

Bayern coach Julian Nagelsmann does not want to step up against Robert Lewandowski: "Eternally grateful"

7/31/2022, 7:46:28 AM

The dispute between Robert Lewandowski and FC Bayern continues even after his departure. Apparently Julian Nagelsmann doesn't want to take part.

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Bayern coach Julian Nagelsmann


Sven Hoppe / dpa

Bayern coach Julian Nagelsmann was forgiving after the departure of world footballer Robert Lewandowski, which was accompanied by many background noises.

“He played outstandingly here for eight years – with an unbelievable number of goals.

Even during my tenure, he scored almost 40 goals again.

You don't have to step down in any way, but be eternally grateful to Lewy," said Nagelsmann on the Sky TV channel after the 5: 3 in the Supercup against RB Leipzig.

Lewandowski had previously criticized the behavior of those responsible at FC Bayern in the weeks before his move to FC Barcelona.

That was "a lot of politics," said the Pole in an interview with the US broadcaster ESPN.

In it, the 33-year-old accused FC Bayern of lying about the alleged courtship of Dortmund's Erling Haaland.

"Some people" "didn't tell him the truth" in this connection and later said "bullshit" about him.

In the end, Haaland switched to England's champions Manchester City.

Nagelsmann cannot explain why Lewandowski made these statements.

'I wasn't present at the negotiations.

I have no idea what happened or didn't happen.

Everyone has their point of view there.

This is quite normal when adults talk to each other.

Especially when it comes to negotiations.

You don't always agree," said the coach.

It is possible that the statements were also made in English and therefore came across incorrectly.

Bayern's sports director Hasan Salihamidžić had previously chosen clearer words for Lewandowski's statements: "I can't understand it at all.

My dad taught me that when you leave, you never shut the door with your butt.

Robert is well on the way to doing just that," said the 45-year-old on Bild-TV in the program "Bayern Insider," which will be broadcast on Sunday at 10:30 a.m.

Lewandowski was released by FC Bayern in mid-July after weeks of back and forth.

The Catalans paid 45 million euros for the Polish international, whose contract in Munich had one year left.
