The Limited Times

261 militants and leaders of Art.1, wrong to exclude 5s

8/1/2022, 2:47:35 PM

Two hundred and sixty-one militants and local and national leaders of Article 1 have signed a document in which they hope for the construction of an alliance with the Pd, M5S and Si / Ev, in view of a socialist, ecological and feminist "labor party". (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - PALERMO, 01 AUG - Two hundred and sixty-one militants and local and national leaders of Article 1 have signed a document in which they hope for the construction of an alliance with PD, M5S and Si / Ev, in view of a socialist, ecological "labor party" and feminist.

The signatories, distributed throughout the national territory, from Venice to Ragusa, consider "deeply wrong and politically incomprehensible the position of the Democratic Party to exclude the M5s from the alliance. Wrong is also the choice of the National Directorate of Article 1 to participate in the electoral list of the Democratic Party", they argue saying Noanche to the hypothesis of merging into the dem party.