The Limited Times

France: stop the anti Covid measures at the borders. Bird flu is emerging in the north of the country

8/1/2022, 4:29:25 PM

Paris asks for 'responsibility'. 8,000 birds killed in Feuillères. (HANDLE)

"Starting from Monday 1 August,

health measures at the borders





from France and to


. We continue to fight against Covid-19 with responsibility: the



strongly recommended

in public transport": he writes it in a tweet the French Minister of Transport,

Clément Beaune


On July 26, the Paris Parliament approved with a final vote in the Senate the health bill that provided for the revocation of the



-Covid measures

from 1st August.

However, the text definitively adopted provides for the possibility of a possible reactivation of the mandatory border tests in case of need.

Meanwhile, a case of

avian flu has

been reported , discovered in


, in the north of France, at a turkey farm.

The discovery, reports the prefecture of the area, has forced the killing of 8,000 birds present on the spot.

In particular, the French authorities point out, a "first outbreak of highly pathogenic avian flu" was confirmed on Saturday in this herd in the Somme department, less than 100 kilometers from the Belgian border.

To avoid any risk of spreading the virus to other farms, "regulated areas of protection and surveillance have been erected in a perimeter of 3-10 kilometers", adds the prefecture.