The Limited Times

M5s hemorrhage, for Grillo they are goodbyes 'of the zombies'

8/1/2022, 4:28:54 PM

Two others leave. Founder invents leaked albums (ANSA) For the M5s, the last weeks of the legislature are characterized by a constant hemorrhage of parliamentarians. Every day comes the announcement of an abandonment. The last farewells took place in Montecitorio: they left Niccolò Invidia and Federica Dieni. And Beppe Grillo attacks on the blog: "they are all" zombies. "The founder Cinque Stelle has 'assembled' and posted on Facebook the image of a s

For the M5s, the last weeks of the legislature are characterized by a constant hemorrhage of parliamentarians.

Every day comes the announcement of an abandonment.

The last farewells took place in Montecitorio: they left Niccolò Invidia and Federica Dieni.

And Beppe Grillo attacks on the blog: "they are all" zombies. "The founder Cinque Stelle has 'assembled' and posted on Facebook the image of a sticker album, with the faces of Luigi Di Maio, Davide Crippa and Laura Castelli on the cover transfigured like zombies Next, he has published the (normal) photos of the displaced: from Vincenzo Spadafora to Carla Ruocco, from Lucia Azzolina to Pierpaolo Sileri.

In all, about seventy stickers.

As an accompanying phrase, or rather a (fake) launch, the founder wrote: "From today on all newsstands".

In Grillo's sights there are not only the latest exiles, such as Federico D'Incà and Alessandra Carbonaro, or the troops of Luigi Di Maio, but also those who have taken other paths for some time, such as Emilio Carelli, who left the M5s in February 2021 and from mid-July it joined the Di Maio group.

The foreign minister, in the morning presented the name and symbol of the list with which he will run in the elections: a bee with the words' Civic commitment.

Di Maio '.

The formation seems oriented towards an alliance with the Democratic Party.

Even Crippa and D'Incà, together with the latest Invidia, presented their association, 'Ambiente 2050', also deployed in the progressive field.

"For some time now the decisions taken by the top management - wrote the deputy Dieni to motivate the farewell to the M5s - no longer belong to me. In any way you want to justify it, the reality is that the 5 Star Movement does not exist. more ". In the alliance chessboard, the former 5 stars tend to be oriented towards center-left alliances.

Giuseppe Conte's M5s, on the other hand, is preparing the solo race.