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All-rounder mindfulness: Mindful people influence working life

8/2/2022, 3:05:35 PM

All-rounder mindfulness: Mindful people influence working life Created: 2022-08-02 16:56 By: Carina Blumenroth Individual mindfulness can affect teamwork. A study shows how exactly this works and what the benefits are. When new employees are hired, it's not just about professional qualifications, whether and how you fit into the current team structure and can be integrated also plays a role. A

All-rounder mindfulness: Mindful people influence working life

Created: 2022-08-02 16:56

By: Carina Blumenroth

Individual mindfulness can affect teamwork.

A study shows how exactly this works and what the benefits are.

When new employees are hired, it's not just about professional qualifications, whether and how you fit into the current team structure and can be integrated also plays a role.

According to a University of Virginia Commonwealth study, mindfulness is now important to many, too.

Mindfulness focuses on the present moment without judgment.

You have an open mind and an accepting attitude.

Mindfulness is actually something individual, but researchers led by management professor Christopher Reina have found that mindfulness can influence teamwork.

The mindfulness of individuals can also affect cooperation in professional life.

© William Perugini/Imago

Mindfulness: Brought into social interaction it can have benefits

When someone is mindful, that person's social interactions are also affected, which can have professional benefits by promoting more harmonious collaboration, according to a press release from the University of Virginia Commonwealth.

Work life has become increasingly fast-paced in recent years and more and more information is being shared, while at the same time there are more and more distractions.

An opponent can be mindfulness, which makes it possible to focus on a specific moment again.

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Mindfulness: Study based on interviews with managers and professionals

For the mindfulness study, interviews were conducted with mindful people, who were managers and professionals.

According to the study, all people have already had positive experiences with mindfulness, which also have an effect on other people.

Efforts to incorporate mindfulness into professional life have also generated positive feedback from colleagues.


reports that participants in the study think that mindfulness helps to cope with difficult situations.

This would also improve relationships among one another in the workplace.

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Mindfulness between colleagues is possible, for example, in short breaks between meetings, where one can listen to one another.

According to Businessinsider

, if you want to learn mindfulness, you can do it

through various routines.

For example, you can consciously concentrate on walking.

You can count steps to the coffee machine and feel the foot roll off the heel over the ball of the foot.

If this becomes a routine, it can develop into a stress-reducing automatism.

In the long term, this will have an impact on working with colleagues.