The Limited Times

Archie: Parents urge continuation of life support

8/2/2022, 1:35:28 PM

The boy fell into a coma after a test of courage: British courts have already decided several times that the doctors can let the twelve-year-old Archie die. But the parents don't give up.

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Archie's parents: Paul Battersbee and Hollie Dance in London in July

Photo: Victoria Jones / dpa

In April, Archie suffered serious brain injuries in a domestic accident – ​​possibly during an internet dare.

He has been in a coma ever since.

Now the parents of the 12-year-old have asked the British Supreme Court to continue life-sustaining measures.

The Supreme Court in London confirmed on Tuesday that a corresponding application had been received.

A committee of three judges will now examine him.

Previously, courts had ruled several times that the doctors could let the boy die.

It was in Archie's best interest, the statement said.

On Monday, an appeals court rejected an objection by a UN committee to extend the measures beyond Tuesday noon.

The case is reminiscent of similar disputes over terminally ill children in Great Britain.

The financially squeezed British health service tends to withdraw life support much sooner than would be the case in Germany.

In addition, the wishes of parents and relatives are not taken into account to the same extent.

What is in the best interests of the patient is often decided by judges on the recommendation of medical professionals.


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