The Limited Times

Autopsy Alika: died of crushing, possibly suffocated

8/2/2022, 5:53:13 PM

The Marche Regional Council observes a minute of silence. Fundraising for Ogorchukwu's family opened. (HANDLE)

The causes of


Ogorchukwu 's


would be compatible with the


of the body, which would probably also have resulted in



Ѐ what transpires from the first data of the


, carried out today, on the body of the Nigerian peddler, killed last Friday in

Civitanova Marche by

Filippo Ferlazzo


It is still unclear whether the crushing caused vital organ trauma that was decisive for death.



Marche Regional Council

observed a

minute of silence

in the classroom , at the opening of the Assembly's work, to remember Ogorchukwu, a 9-year-old Nigerian peddler attacked and killed in the street by the 32-year-old worker from Salerno Ferlazzo, after begging for


from his companion attacker.

The initiative, proposed by the president

Dino Latini

, after hearing the group leaders, was also hoped for in the classroom by the councilor of the dem Romano Carancini for a fact "which has marked our region".

Latini stressed the need for the state to provide an adequate response in "

condemning the perpetrator without appeal


he reiterated the "


" for the


defining the crime as "heinous" and which "stunned our community." There are no words - he continued - for a murder as bestial as it is futile, because it would not be adequate to the response that a civil and democratic state must be able to give in the condemn without appeal the person responsible and at the same time in knowing how to provide re-education and care.

The thought of the people of the Marche is for Alika's family, a person first of all, then a citizen of the world and an elective Marches ". According to the President, however, some shortcomings highlighted by what happened cannot be hidden." The liquid society of spectacularization - he stigmatized Latini - paralyzed anyone present, preventing them from intervening to stop the crime.

To us the inescapable duty that there are no more situations of this type.

Only by drawing the lesson of mending the holey canvas of values ​​that Alika's murder has revealed will her human sacrifice not be lost ". 


Meanwhile, the City of

San Severino Marche

(in the province of Macerata) has opened a fundraiser to help the family of Alika, the 39-year-old peddler killed on the street in Civitanova Marche last Friday after being beaten to death by a passer-by whom he had asked for alms "." It is possible to contribute through subscription by bank transfer.

- informs the municipal administration - In the reason for payment you will have to write 'Donation in favor of the family of Alika Ogorchukwu' but it will also be sufficient to write only the name of Alika ".

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