The Limited Times

Extreme weather: When it's hot, simply make your own air conditioning system

8/2/2022, 12:41:26 PM

Extreme weather: When it's hot, simply make your own air conditioning system Created: 2022-08-02 14:34 By: Dominik Jahn Temperatures are rising more and more frequently above 30 degrees. The heat in the apartment becomes a problem: These tips will quickly cool you down. In summer in Germany, temperatures like to rise to over 30 degrees in the sun. In the apartment, the heat can quickly become

Extreme weather: When it's hot, simply make your own air conditioning system

Created: 2022-08-02 14:34

By: Dominik Jahn

Temperatures are rising more and more frequently above 30 degrees.

The heat in the apartment becomes a problem: These tips will quickly cool you down.

In summer in Germany, temperatures like to rise to over 30 degrees in the sun.

In the apartment, the heat can quickly become a big problem in this extreme weather.

Heat builds up quickly in rooms that are not air-conditioned.

Nightly airing and closing the windows early often doesn't help anymore.

The fan is reaching its limits - now an air conditioner is needed.

But you don't need an expensive device from the store right away.

With a few tips, you can easily build your own air conditioner.

In addition to the air conditioner you can build yourself, there are of course a few other ways to keep the heat out of your own home in summer, as

already reported by .

Build your own air conditioner: the number one option for hot summer days

But how do I build my own air conditioning system in the mega heat?

Numerous do-it-yourself portals have taken on the summer problem in the past.

The solution is simple - and everyone already has the most important items for their very own air conditioning system at home.

The do-it-yourself air conditioner is all about the effect of evaporation.

When water evaporates, cold occurs.

This cold then only has to be distributed in the room.

These items are needed for the self-made air conditioner: towel, bucket, hanger, clothesline or a chair - and a fan.

When it's hot: step by step to the self-made air conditioning system

For the self-made air conditioning system and a little more cooling in your own apartment in the heat of summer, only four simple steps are required:

  • 1. In the first step, a towel is wetted with cold water.

  • 2. Hang up the wet towel in the desired room.

    The clothes hanger, the clothesline or the chair are used for this.

  • 3. In the best-case scenario, the towel should be hanging with the lower edge in a bucket of cold water.

    Advantage: the cloth continues to become soaked.

    Ice cubes can also increase the cooling effect.

  • 4. The fan is placed behind the damp-wet towel.

    It must be aligned directly with the cloth so that the home-made air conditioner can achieve the best effect.

    Turn on.


When the structure is standing, the water evaporates, the fan distributes the cool air in the room and thus ensures lower temperatures in the hot summer months as a self-made air conditioning system.

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Build your own air conditioner: variant number two for hot summer days

In addition to the air conditioning variant with the towel, the portal mentions

another way to cool down in the apartment on hot, hot days.

It is, so to speak, the table version of the self-made air conditioner.

According to the article, a table fan is required, two small PET plastic bottles, wire or cable ties and ice cubes (crushed ice is also possible).

In the heat: The steps to the second home-made air conditioner

According to

, the second variant of a self-made air conditioning system

only takes four steps:

  • 1. The bottles must be cut all around, about one centimeter above the bottom.

    The bottom should be "still connected to the bottle by a strip about three centimeters wide".

    (This is where the ice will be filled in later)

  • 2. Fasten the bottles to the fan grille with a wire or the cable ties.

    The bottoms of the bottles must point upwards.

  • 3. Now fill in the ice and then fold the shelves down.

    (The bottle bottoms can also be fixed to the bottle with some adhesive tape.)

  • 4. Turn on the fan.


    According to the article, once the ice is thawed, you can simply pour off the water and add new ice.

For both variants of the self-made air conditioning systems, it is advisable for the installation in the bedroom not to lie directly in the supply air.

In addition, it is essential to air the room in the morning to prevent the possible formation of mold due to moisture.

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