The Limited Times

Quick zucchini slices made from just 6 ingredients - an ingenious recipe for every day

8/2/2022, 2:17:41 PM

Want more zucchini recipes? Then you must try these easy zucchini cuts. They're quick in the oven and irresistibly delicious.

Want more zucchini recipes?

Then you must try these easy zucchini cuts.

They're quick in the oven and irresistibly delicious.

Zucchini in abundance and no idea what you can cook and bake with the green, versatile vegetable?

We have countless delicious zucchini recipes for you, e.g.

B. summery zucchini salad or delicious zucchini pancakes with a Greek feeling.

And here's a new zucchini recipe that you're sure to make more often once you try it.

Zucchini slices made from 6 ingredients: There is rarely such a quick zucchini recipe

  • 3 eggs, size


  • 1 large zucchini

  • 0.5 onion

  • 40 g grated cheese, eg Gouda, or Parmesan

  • 80 grams of flour

  • 0.5 tsp baking powder

  • 100 g diced ham

  • Salt and pepper for seasoning

@clean_treats Been eating this since I was a kid 😋 Only 6 ingredients - recipe in comments #healthyrecipes #easyrecipes #zucchinislice #zucchinirecipes ♬ original sound - sweet bee

This is how you bake the zucchini slices quickly and easily in the oven

  • Preheat your oven to 180 degrees top and bottom heat.

  • Grate the zucchini and cut the onion into small cubes.

  • Beat the eggs and gradually mix all the ingredients into a dough.

  • Line a casserole dish with baking paper - or one of these alternatives - or grease it thoroughly.

    Fill in the zucchini batter and smooth it out.

  • Bake the zucchini slices for 30 minutes until cooked through.

    It's best to do the chopstick test.

Take a quick look in your fridge: these foods have to go

Take a quick look in your fridge: these foods have to go

The zucchini slices taste good warm from the oven, but also cold the next day, as a delicious snack at a picnic or for lunch in the office.

Bake them quickly.

If you want to vary, you can add grated carrots or pine nuts to the dough in addition to the zucchini.

Fancy another zucchini recipe, maybe even for breakfast?

Then try these cute Zoats.