The Limited Times

'Cat in Jelly' - Supermarket shocks pet owners with label

8/3/2022, 2:41:59 PM

A supermarket advertises “cat in jelly” on a label. A woman investigates the supposed secret ingredient in the food.

A supermarket advertises “cat in jelly” on a label.

A woman investigates the supposed secret ingredient in the food.

Cats are one of man's absolute favorite animals.

More than 16 million velvet paws live in German households.

Anyone who has a cat can hardly imagine eating it.

But in some countries like Korea or Peru, cat meat still occasionally ends up on the plate.

But in Germany?


That's what a woman thinks too when she discovers a curious label in the supermarket that scares pet owners at first glance.


Food in the supermarket: is there a cat in there?

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'Cat in Jelly' - Supermarket shocks pet owners with label

When shopping in a branch of the supermarket chain "Kaufland", a customer comes across a shelf with cat food.

The label makes you suspicious.

Because the inscription promises: "Cat in jelly".

Below is a reference to the type of meat "duck and poultry".

Right next to it she finds another product for cats, which is advertised with the sign "Cat Ragout".

The baffled woman wonders what types of meat are contained in pet food.

Incidentally, these play a decisive role in BARF for cats.

She photographs the price tags and posts the pictures on Facebook.

She addresses her comment directly to the employees of the supermarket chain.

“It's interesting what you can buy at 'Kaufland'... But how did you get the cat in the can?

And then in jelly too!” It doesn't take long for the employees to speak up.

Supermarket employees are no longer surprised when they see a velvet paw: "Checker" the tomcat is a regular at the Oldenburg NP market.

“Cat in jelly” – supermarket chain quickly gives the all-clear

The supermarket team gives the all-clear and quickly clears up the error.

"The error devil must have crept in there." The employees of "Kaufland" therefore ask the customer to tell them the branch where she was shopping and discovered the wrong label.

So cat owners can rest assured: the food for their pets at the supermarket chain apparently does not contain any cat meat as a secret ingredient.

What a relief!

List of rubrics: © Panthermedia/Imago