The Limited Times

Nuclear power plants in Ukraine: the UN secretary general demands an end to "suicidal" attacks

8/8/2022, 6:37:30 AM

Antonio Guterres, traveling to Japan, called on Monday for an end to the attacks on the Zaporijjia power plant and let it be known that he liked

The situation worries.

This Monday, during a press conference in Tokyo, the UN Secretary General spoke about the military operations around the nuclear power plant in Zaporijjia, Ukraine, underway since this weekend.

"Any attack on nuclear power plants is a suicidal thing," began Antonio Guterres.

“I hope these attacks will end.

At the same time, I hope that the IAEA (

International Atomic Energy Agency

) will be able to gain access to the "Zaporijjia" power plant, the largest in Europe, the scene since Friday of bombardments in which the Russian and Ukrainian belligerents have mutually accused, he added.

Ukraine has so far rejected requests for visits to the plant by the IAEA for fear that this would legitimize the Russian occupation of the site.

Humanity is playing “with a loaded gun”

For a week now, the UN Secretary-General has continued to worry about nuclear risks to humanity, which is only "a misunderstanding" or "an error of judgment" from "nuclear annihilation", he had warned on August 1 in a speech in New York.

On August 6, on the 77th anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, he felt that humanity was playing "with a loaded gun" in the context of the current crises with nuclear connotations.

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This Saturday, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) considered "more and more alarming" the information coming from the nuclear power plant of Zaporijjia, the largest in Europe, the day after strikes nearby.

“I condemn any violence committed in or near” the plant and against its personnel, declared the Director General of the IAEA, Rafael Grossi.

Any "military action threatening the security and safety" of the plant is "completely unacceptable and must be avoided at all costs", he urged.

The Russians seized the Zaporizhia power plant last March, risking a major nuclear accident by firing on buildings on the site.

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