The Limited Times

Oliva Newton-John: John Travolta mourns with touching message "You have made all of our lives so much better"

8/9/2022, 3:02:42 PM

John Travolta said goodbye to his »Grease« film partner Olivia Newton-John with a touching message. The actress died at the age of 73.

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This hit is still a catchy tune around the world – the film that went with it made British-born Olivia Newton-John a superstar in 1978.

As Sandy, she turned her fellow actor John Travolta's head in the high school romance Grease.

Since then, the two have had a long private friendship.

Olivia Newton-John, actress and singer (Los Angeles, 2002)

»I felt very comfortable with him and he took care of me.

He was really wonderful to me because I was also a total novice actress.”

Now Olivia Newton-John has died at the age of 73 – and her friend and colleague Travolta found touching parting words.

'My dearest Olivia, you have made all of our lives so much better.

Your influence has been incredible.

I love you so much.

(...) Your Danny, your John.«

Newton-John was diagnosed with breast cancer for the first time in 1992 and has been involved in cancer research and early detection ever since.

A foundation and a health center in Melbourne are named after her – she made a strong impression on the patients there.

“She was busy enough trying to stay healthy and strong herself, and yet she kept dropping in, organizing fundraisers, talking to patients.

When she got to the hospital, she would sit down with people.

That was Olivia Newton John.

That’s incredible – who else does that?”

“I'm feeling a lot of gratitude right now.

Although this is a sad day, I want to think of all the good things Olivia has done for people."

In 2018, Olivia Newton-John was diagnosed with new metastases.

Now the Grammy winner has lost decades of battle with cancer.

She died peacefully at her ranch in California, her husband said.

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