The Limited Times

President Biden refused to meet with a family bereaved by the Sboro restaurant attack Israel today

8/9/2022, 12:49:55 PM

The family of Malki Roth, an American citizen, is fighting for the extradition of Ahlam Tamimi, one of the initiators of the Sbaro attack, to the USA • But while Anthony Blinken agreed to meet the family of Shirin Abu Aqla, he refused to meet the Roth family • The US president also replied in the negative • "Behaving in the most humiliating manner," the family replied to the refusals

Terrorists who murdered 15 Israelis in one of the most murderous attacks of the second intifada, the attack on the Subaru restaurant in Jerusalem, have so far received more than four million shekels from the Palestinian Authority.

Today (Tuesday) marks the 21st anniversary of the attack that shocked Israel.

"Israel Hayom" learned that despite the fact that one of the terrorists from the attack is the number 1 wanted person in the US, the US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken refused to meet the family of one of the murdered, Malki Roth, while he agreed to meet the family of the journalist Shirin Abu Aqla who was killed in Jenin .

Attorney Maurice Hirsch, the head of the legal department at the Palestinian Media Watch organization, said: "He is monitoring the amounts of money received by the terrorists who carried out the shocking attack at the Sabaro restaurant, and reports that as of the end of July 2022, they received a total of 4,133,540 shekels.

At the top of the salary table are Abdullah Barghouti, who planned the attack and produced the bomb, which was hidden inside a guitar, and Jamal Abu al-Higa, the head of Hamas in northern Samaria who was arrested in 2002, who each received more than one million shekels (1,009,100 shekels for Barghouti and 1,041,300 shekels for Abu -Higa).

Recently, the latter received an increase in his salary - from NIS 7,300 a month to NIS 8,300 a month.

The attack in Sbarro, photo: ASSOCIATED PRESS

The terrorist Bilal Barghouti, who was one of the terrorists who sent the suicide bomber to the Sabaro restaurant, has so far received an amount of NIS 988,000, and he also received a NIS 1,000 increase in his salary a few months ago.

Two terrorists released in the Shalit deal continue to receive a salary from the Palestinian Authority, but it is not known exactly how much.

By the day of his release, Muhammad Douglas received NIS 182,000, plus $4,000 as a special release grant from Abu Mazen.

Ahlam Tamimi, the United States' No. 1 wanted woman, also received the same amount.

The family of the suicide bomber, Ezz-Al-Din Al Misri, has so far received 238,000 shekels, and every month they receive another 1,400 as an allowance from the Palestinian Authority.

A similar amount is also received by the family of the terrorist Case Adwan and Ayman Halvah, says attorney Maurice Hirsch.

The absurdity becomes stronger, when it becomes clear that while the US embraces the family of Shirin Abu Aqla, who was killed in Jenin by a stray shot during a shootout with terrorists, they turn a cold shoulder to the family of Malki Roth, who was murdered in the attack in Sabaro. For many years, Roth's family has been fighting to bring for Ahlam Tamimi's extradition to the U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken recently agreed to meet with the Abu Aqla family, but refused to meet with the Roth family.

With the family of the journalist Abu-Aqla, Biden actually met, photo: Arab Networks

Anthony Roth, the father of the late Kings, says that over the past few years they have submitted several requests to meet with senior officials of the American State Department and the American President, but to no avail. "We have been in contact with Anthony Blinken's people several times and he ignored him.

We asked to meet with Biden while he was in Israel, but his aides withheld the letter in the Oval Office and then replied to the Associated Press that they would not respond to the request.

The attitude towards us from the American authorities over the years is humiliating."

Roth explains that the reason for the American opposition is a desperate attempt to maintain industrial peace in front of King Abdullah.

"No one wants to annoy the king, and the result is that everyone is doing eights in the air to please him while we ruin their party. There is no one to talk to in the US, no one can explain why they are not acting against the number one wanted.

This is a dangerous and active woman, who for 5 years glorified terrorism on her own TV show.

Interpol recently removed her from the no-fly list, so she can fly anywhere she wants.

It's absurd."

US President Joe Biden refused to meet with the Roth family, photo: Reuters

"Think of someone who has lost a child to terrorism, and the response every time is 'jump into the lake.' It's justice, and that we're 100 percent right, but it's a problem for them."

The sensitivity, says Roth, extends to Israel as well.

"We tried to meet with Bennett and Lapid. In both cases we were answered in the negative. In the case of Lapid, the answer came in writing. In the case of Bennett, I was invited to a meeting with one of the key people in his office and we talked for an hour, at the end he said they would definitely act, but that was the last time I heard from him. It should be noted I don't blame them - only the Americans can do what is necessary, since she is in demand in the US.

They are the ones who don't do what is required."

Roth clarifies that even 21 years after the attack, they continue to struggle.

"Some people think we are doing it for the publicity or for the money, but that is not true. We are simply the only ones who can catch this terrorist, because of the American citizenship, bring justice. I have no doubt that we will win. Yes, the problems are big, and people do not want to act, But in our eyes, it is impossible for her to die in her bed."

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