The Limited Times

Does a cold shower really lose weight? An expert answers - voila! health

8/20/2022, 8:54:33 PM

Dr. Zach Turner claims that cold showers have many health benefits, from reducing stress to strengthening the immune system, but do they also help with weight loss? His answer is surprising

Does a cold shower really lose weight?

Expert responds

Dr. Zach Turner claims that cold showers have many health benefits, from reducing stress to strengthening the immune system, but do they also help you lose weight and make the gym unnecessary? His answer is surprising

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Wednesday, August 17, 2022, 11:42 p.m. Updated: Saturday, August 20, 2022, 11:45 p.m.

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Are cold showers better for health?

(Walla! News system)

Many celebrities and Tik Tok influencers are encouraging people to swap their hot, steamy showers for ice cold showers to reap the health benefits they provide - from stress reduction, immune system boosting and even weight loss, but is it all true?

The answer is mostly yes, at least according to what Dr Zach Turner had to say in his regular column on 28-year-old Eloise from Melbourne told the expert she had come across a variety of TikTok influencers touting the benefits of cold showers, including a 30-day challenge who recommended it. She said that it sounded dubious to her and asked him: "To settle this debate once and for all, from a medical point of view - should I replace my steamy and pleasant shower with a cold and stinging one?

Please say no."

Dr. Zach Turner answered her: "This is a difficult question to answer because the answer is yes and no.

Yes, there are health benefits to taking a cold shower, but no, I don't believe you should replace all your hot showers with cold ones just for your health.

Hot showers won't kill you, but if you're into it, a few cold showers a week won't hurt.

Implementing cold showers in your weekly routine has several health benefits."

Here are some of the health benefits of a cold shower according to the doctor:

A cold shower has many health benefits (Photo: ShutterStock)

pressure drop

"A cold shower puts pressure on your body," explains the doctor, "this leads to a process called 'hardening.'

Gradually your nervous system gets used to this level of stress - and eventually you should find yourself better able to deal with sudden stressful situations in everyday life."

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Strengthening the immune system

Studies have shown that a cold shower increases the number of white blood cells in the body. -2-3 a week to achieve results".

Strengthening the immune system (Photo: ShutterStock)

Coping with depression

For those dealing with depression, cold showers can shock the body and send electrical impulses to the brain, "like starting a car," claimed Dr. Turner, "your brain will start and there will be an increase in alertness, clarity and energy levels.

Furthermore, endorphins will be released which will lead to a feeling of well-being and happiness."

Weight loss

According to the expert, exposure to cold temperatures encourages the production of brown fat.

Brown fat is a specific type of fat tissue that produces energy by burning calories.

"If you're looking to shed a few pounds, it's worth trying cold showers - especially after exercise," says Dr. Turner.

Influencer Gina Stewart, 51, said one of the reasons for her toned figure is to shower in cold water. She said: I have been an avid user of cryotherapy over the years and can highly recommend any type of cold therapy, but it can be very expensive.

The cheaper alternative is to take a cold shower every morning, after your usual morning shower, to reap the amazing health benefits.

Start with a 30-second cold shower after your regular shower each morning and increase over time up to two minutes for full effect."

She added: "Scientists have found evidence that exposure to cold speeds up metabolism. Another benefit of exposing the body to cold is the reduction of inflammation, swelling and muscle pain. This is why many athletes use ice baths and other types of exposure to cold as a means of speeding up recovery after exercise."

Gina Stewart

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Other celebrities who have used "cold therapy" to help their fitness include Zac Efron and Chris Hemsworth.

The latter claimed that he has taken "a lot of cold showers lately", as it helps him "loosen up his muscles" and provides an "adrenaline shot".

And if Zac Efron recommends, then who are we? (Photo: Giphy)

Increasing willpower

"I'm sure many of these influencers you watch on your feed say that cold showers are a way to do something you don't want to do to build toughness and a strong character. It's true, cold showers are a great way to train the brain to do unpleasant things," explained Dr. Turner.

So how do you start?

Do not jump into the deep water.

Start with a cold shower once a week, then increase to two, then three, and soon all your showers will be cold, claims Dr. Turner. He added: "A cold shower is effective for us, although for many of us circulation is the key, meaning alternating from hot to cold at intervals of 30-60 seconds does a similar job.

" "Another trick is to slowly lower the temperature at the end of the usual hot shower and reach a temperature where you feel uncomfortable.

Then, stay under the cold water for two minutes.

Breathe deeply to survive there.

Next time take a colder shower and the next time a colder one."

If cold showers sound like an impossible task to you, he reassured: "Eloise, your hot showers will not harm you or make you sick.

Remember that there are other ways to maintain health such as drinking lots of water and eating fresh fruits and vegetables.

Don't fall for health trends and just stick to the basics."

  • health

  • Nutrition and diet


  • shower

  • pressure

  • Tension

  • Weight

  • diet

  • calories