The Limited Times

Donald Trump would have tried to reconcile with Hillary Clinton after his victory in 2016

8/20/2022, 6:06:17 PM

The former Republican president would have asked his daughter Ivanka to help him invite the Clinton couple to dinner with him.

Without resentment.

Donald Trump allegedly tried to bury the hatchet with his opponent Hillary Clinton after his victory in 2016. This is what his son-in-law Jared Kushner claims in his memoirs, the American news site The Hill reported on Friday.

According to him, the former tenant of the White House wanted "sincerely to help unite the country" after the 2016 presidential election. It is for this reason that he would have secretly instructed his daughter Ivanka Trump to get closer to her former friend Chelsea Clinton, the only daughter of Bill and Hillary Clinton.

The latter was supposed to send the message that Donald Trump "had no intention of looking back and hoped to have a cordial relationship with Hillary to unite the country", according to Jared Kushner, who served in the White House as an adviser. of Donald Trump.

She even had to convince the Democratic couple to accept a dinner with the Trumps.

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In the end, the meeting never took place because the former Republican president would not have supported his former rival to support the appeal of the environmental candidate Jill Stein after the presidential election, which demanded a recount of the votes in three key states.

In any case, nothing says that she would have accepted, the Republican leader having regularly called during his 2016 campaign to “imprison” her after the affair of the e-mails.

Between 2009 and 2013, when she was secretary of state, Clinton had used private messaging rather than the secure one of the department, at the risk of endangering certain classified mail.

In 2020, Trump said he was "100% on board" with his supporters chanting "lock her up!"

during his rallies, according to The Hill.